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Posts posted by NewBornBliss

  1. I heard Uprising on my friend's live radio thingy and he shout out my name. It was pretty wicked...:D

    I also heard Muscle Museum on the radio. ;)

    I heard Upraising again in some stupid movie trailer. I heard Neutron Star Collision in Eclipse....I cannot believe I actually went to go see it just to see what part of the movie the song was in...I am mad it didn't even fit. :mad:

  2. Whenever I'm going somewhere by foot and I'm listening to my iPod, I always turn up the volume on the off chance that the person I walk past is a Muse fan and that they notice, so I can actually talk to someone about Muse! So far no luck :(:LOL:


    I do the same thing but differently because i don't have an ipod. lol! I wrote on my converse and it says MUSE in big bold letters and I always point my converse in the direction of a person who looks like they would be a muse fan. :LOL: So far I got this one girl whose eyes went all bugged out in excitement.:D

  3. It was a while ago I heard Muse playing in the mall and I screamed so loud and it was one of those quiet malls. :LOL:


    I also hear my dad blasting it in his room o.O


    When I am on the phone with my mom she starts singing me Muse songs...how rare is that? :stunned:


    In my dreams I am always playing shows with Muse. I am apparently a master at playing New Born,Uprising,and Apocalypse Please. :happy:


    They are always playing in my head....Matt likes to sing loud in my ears when I am near a can of beans. lol! :D


    hmmm let me think.....Oh I heard Amoeba (in Hollywood) playing Bliss I think.

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