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About HeavenlyAlchemy

  • Birthday October 31

Personal Information

  • Biography
  • Location
    Gaah! Where am I??!!??
  • Interests
    Quite a few things. A little of everything.

    I know everything about who I am at this moment...tell me about you. that is so much more interesting. :)
  • Occupation
    Seeker and sharer of knowledge and some laughs as well.
  • Gender
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  • Favourite Bands
    It's an eclectic mix.

    To me if it's been created it has value. If not to me to someone else.

    though I like a little bit of everything.
  • Favourite Films
    Too many to mention.

    Though my faves are a varied mix.
  • Favourite TV Shows
    Seriously? Hhaahahah...

    Do I get to test you on the answers to all these questions. ;P

    Though I guess I'm really not telling a lot. I'd rather save that for people that truly are interested and ask.
  • Favourite Books
    Speculative science, metaphysics, I am an avid reader..and no I'm not talking about the film editing machine either.
    Favorites are: W.B. Yeats, Robert Frost, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jack Kerouac, Hunter S. Thompson, The Velveteen Rabbit, The Little Prince, Byron, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Shakespeare, Lots of new things. Anything with passion or kookie, or warped...or that makes you think.

    Anything relating to my ancestery or places related to it...places that I have been...and places that I am going. I have a large library and part of that consists of books that I am working on reading...because you know that when you see a book once...you may never see that book again...so like with people that interest you I feel it's always best to pick it up at the time...least you never cross paths again.
    Oh and Cracked & MAD and Horror comics! hehe
  • Muse Releases Owned
    All of their regular releases on CD.

    i'm striving to be a better Muse fan. I really am.
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    I'm seeing my first tomorrow night. HEHE

    April Phoenix 2010.

    We will see after that...though I'm sure there is more live Muse in the future.

HeavenlyAlchemy's Achievements


Escapee (1/14)



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  1. This is what I can remember writing.


    Oh my goodness a strawberry attack? Are you feeling better now? And would you like some strawberry cheesecake? Jk..lol


    Yeah I've seen quite a lot of things in San Diego. But I'm sure there's more to discover.


    My weekend was good besides the stinking cough I have. I don't even know where that came from. But maybe they are allergies like you said. I'm going to try that apple vinegar tomorrow. I'm also going to keep drinking water and grapefruit juice.


    You should have rested too. I think resting is one of the best remedies when one is sick. That's all I did today.


    I went to church, invited my mom for breakfast, then went to Michael's to buy some new items for my greeting cards, and came home and rested rested rested! And it's 1 am and I'm still here typing...lol..but I love it! It's fun to write.


    What do you like to write? Do you like writing poetry? I love writing cut-up poems. That's one of my new hobbies to write cut-up poems.




    that's all I can remember. I forgot the rest. So much for claiming I have such a good memory. Haha. Oh well...next time I'm going to make sure I use my computer and not my sister's!

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