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Posts posted by Filina

  1. Ой, лучше на русском =)

    Мы ж тут все такие образованные на английском

    А я уже в которой теме отписываюсь

    Поэтому не судите меня строго, мозги болять =DDDD


    Ладна, мне 15, я из России (что, должно быть, странно xDD), город Саратов. И нам, я догадываюсь, никогда не дождаться концерта Матвея и его банды в нашем городе Т_Т


    Поэтому у меня большая мечта переехать во взрослом возрасте куда-нибудь в другую страну =) Франция или Англия. Может, Америка, но она меня не очень тянет. А французский я пока плоховато знаю.

    В общем, кто хочет - пишите, я не против =)


    А, любимая песня - Starlight.

  2. I think in my case the point is in my unspoken thoughts. I mean there is not anyone among my friends to speak with about my interests and preferences. And it's all about my age and my friends age. They are not ready to speak about the culture, the art as the main problem or the main influencing thing, they just have fun, they are not up to me.


    But anyway, I write because of my dumb thoughts, if I could say that =)

  3. The muse (not band) comes to me when I'm ready to welcome her. I mean, when there anything is turned off, like TV tube or the phone and She (muse) just visits me. She brings me the inspire and I write. Most of all the stories with phylosophic context.


    And what about the influence.

    I think it's something like The Catcher in the Rye. I mean real life without magic worlds, witches, wizards, etc. And different literature like short poems or stories which are consists with something I care about and interested in.

  4. Why do people hate this song?!? O_O

    I still getting more bewildered with this question. o.o


    No, realy. Because I love this song and I could absolutely say that this song is one of the most great songs played by the piano. I just cannot imagine someone who hate this song. I think it's impossible. The song is romantic, maybe this is the reason for someone who dislike this kind of music. I think it's the only really suitable (but for me weird) reason.

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