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Posts posted by bedakshay

  1. overdue_coma - no, I don't. But I wouldn't be surprised if the media some day try to scare the sheeple with breaking news about "evil-minded life forms from outer space threatening us"....so well, I mostly believe in them as a sort of scare tactics used by the media moguls....

  2. overdue_coma -

    What exactly do you want to find out? How we "believers" see the world, how we live our lives? Or are you looking for proof that we aren't just fooling ourselves?


    The thing is that you won't ever find any scientific proof that God exists, if that's what you're searching for. But to qoute the Bible, it's all about believing WITHOUT proof.

    Believing in God is not something that can be explained, it's irrational, it makes no sense to a non-believer. But being a Christian you don't need that proof. It's crystal clear to us that there IS a God, that there IS a reason for believing, that the Bible DOES speak the truth. It's just....obvious to us that He's there. All around us, from birth and until we draw our last breath :)

  3. I find it quite interesting that atheists are far busier in this thread than believers. The atheists I know are much more preoccupied with trying to convince me that there certainly can't be a God than I am busy convincing THEM why they SHOULD believe in God.....wonder how that could be? Why are they almost panicking when they find out that my belief is just as steadfast as their non-belief?


    And why does Christianity often seem to be such a big taboo - it's more okay to be a wicca-something or a new ager or a buddhist but being a good old fashioned Christian - NEVER...are we just seriosly out of style or what??

    We're almost so out of style that it's cool....old skool religion, yup that's me :D

  4. Here's the link to the site where the quote is from -



    I was wondering - if they are all atheists, why the reference to "The all-seeing eye" (as in Luciferian eye) and lyrics like "oppose and disagree, fight the demonocracy" (hope I got it right). I mean, it seems like there is SOME belief in evil/devilish powers - does a hardcore atheist believe in such things?? The atheists I know don't believe in neither good nor bad, God or the opposite.

    Actually....IS it possible to believe in satanic powers without being religious in some way?

  5. No one knows if it's true or not - that's why I posted it. I mean, anybody could call themselves freelance writer and claim to have had a religious talk with Muse at some press conference. It's not like the cyber police will come after you for spreading false stories or somethin....so it might be true, it might not.

  6. By the way, I see that Matt's belief of God (or lack thereof) is discussed in here. I recently found this on the net:


    "Danny Alvieles


    Yes, in fact muse is a Christian band. All of their members are born again believers. I have met with them and talked about this at a press meeting in London after one of their shows. Matthew Bellamy, Muse's lead singer, stated that while the band does gather a lot of attention their focus remains on Christ. So they are a Christian band, even though many would say they are not, thats mostly just from their popularity and their fan base's incompetence, they have made it clear in their lyrics and in interviews that they are Christians. Danny Alvieles - Free writer and journalist.


    Dec 14 2009, 06:49pm


    Anyone knows if it's fake or if it's true? If it's true - YAY! :)

  7. As for what kind of Christian I am, hmmm...tough question. I do feel that in these days so many christians have lost their way. They worship people, not God. They read thier Bible the way it suits them so that they can carry on believing the lie that we don't have to change anything after having accepted God as the Lord. I believe that I am the kind of Christian that does everything in my power to be as good a person as possible. I do realise that I'll never be perfect and I don't believe God expects that of me. But I strive to be the best I can be :)

  8. Hello :) I'm new here...this was the very first social group I joined. I've had my ups and downs in life (mostly downs for the first 23 years) but God's grace carried me through and today I can honestly say that I feel blessed, happy and very thankful for everything He's done for me. I work as a social worker and I witness and hear about so many broken lives and spirits. Yet God gives me strength to help all the kids and parents who come to me. Even though I do not speak openly about my belief and about the grace of God, since I'm not allowed to do so, I strongly believe that God is with me every day in the work that I do for other people and I'm also convinced that His love and grace is passed on to them. One day it might be their turn to turn to Christ just like it happened for me...

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