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About bedakshay

  • Birthday 02/28/1974

Personal Information

  • Biography
    Happily married (which seems to be something rare in this day and age), mother of a creative and fun twelve year old daughter. As for the rest, go read the description of an INFJ-personality here:
    'cause that's me :D
  • Location
  • Interests
    God, psychology, sociology, politics, horsemanship, writing, theatre directing and much, much more!
  • Occupation
    Social Worker at a public school and often social worker 24-7 when friends seek advice!
  • Gender
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  • Favourite Bands
    Errr...Muse I guess ;)
    And loads of other bands, I like many genres except for heavy metal and strange jazz sounding like animals being tortured.
  • Favourite Films
    I love the strange universes that Tim Burton creates in his movies. He's a creative film making genius.
  • Favourite TV Shows
    Most TV is stupefying, I believe. But I DO enjoy watching re-runs of good old British comedy shows - The Young Ones, Bottom, Blackadder etc.

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  1. Sorry to hear you horse isnt doing well. I had to put a stallion I owned down a couple years ago, I still miss him, I didnt want him to suffer but it was so hard to do. My daughters Shetland has laminitis, he has foundered before, we are trying to get him straightened up so she can show him. I dread the day when something happens to him, he is her best friend. Ive got pics on myspace and facebook of some of our horses, I need to try to get some on here, but am just figuring out how to use the forum,lol.

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