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Posts posted by sgtpeppershp

  1. This is not a "professional" review, but I quite enjoyed reading it.


    Whoever wrote that has somehow expressed every bit of my feelings towards this album and muse as a whole to a tee...the only thing i dont agree with is that they rank oos above abso (but i wont fault them for that ;) thanks for sharing!


    the few things i just cant get over are the blatant lyrics that sound forced most of the time. i know matt has never been the best lyricist in the world, but my god do you really need to say drones in 3/4 of your songs? i think the title of the album and all these references will make the album seem very dated years from now. It's just too literal and a basic, blatant, in your face, says-everything-it-means political album for my taste. i like a bit more...eloquence i guess you could say.


    but aside from that (i can usually tune out lyrics the more i listen) the music is great...loads better than most of T2L and TR. i still dont like the pop-ish songs...they all sound the same to me. but the heavier stuff is good. They sound unique and thoughtful and interesting, rather than forced like some of the last ones *cough* supremacy *cough* survival *cough*


    i agree with most everyone else that the first part of the globalist is fn awesome. gave me chills, but then the piano comes in and all i could hear was USoE and it turned me off. Lately he just doesnt have those unique piano arrangements that characterized OOS and Abso, so the always seem to fall a bit flat and sound way too similar.


    God, this went on longer than i expected....in short, the album is growing on me. Most of the songs are more special, thoughtful, and interesting than the last two albums.


    i havent been on the boards in forever...did this bore the pants off of you??:LOL:

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