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Posts posted by Howince

  1. I've never posted in here which means I have a bit of a back log :p


    Most recently I dreamt I went to a weird signing and Matt was sitting on this really long xylophone and playing it, while Dom sat on the front. He kept moving his feet so the slatty things on the xylophone were moving and making it go out of tune, so Matt yelled at Dom and he got up and looked like he was about to cry.

    Then it cut to Dom writing autographs on bits of paper and once my sister and I left the building we looked at the back and it was actually an invitation to an after show :dance: ...we took them to school and bragged and everything - then I woke up D:


    In another the BDO was being held at my school oval and the crowd were watching people doing cross country - it then became night and I found Matt's metallic guitar (don't know what it's called :S) on the ground so I threw it to my sister and the body bent really weirdly when it hit the ground

    - I was terrified and I went with my sister to find Matt in an abandoned dark building but I found him in a caravan with a busty blond... then we were having a coffee in the 'abandoned' building with this random lady who immediately asked him 'do you like to get around when you're not... 'tied down'?' and he winked and said 'who says I'm tied down at the moment?' [/end dream]


    And the last one is my sister's - She was at a funeral in a big church and Matt came in to play music with a massive purple suit on with giant shoulder pads. He then started playing the guitar really badly and people were booing and throwing things at him... [/end dream]

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