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Posts posted by lezah

  1. I picked up that smell in line at about 3-4pm. Someone was really trying to enjoy the show. :LOL: Wasn't so bad around Chris' side.


    Somehow I have a feeling that was the guy just after me in the line...haha. Who knows.


    Man, I haven't been on this forum in ages. The gig was amazing though. Admittedly I wasn't too fond of The 2nd Law so I wasn't sure if I'd still enjoy the gig, but I did! I definitely much prefer the songs live than on record. Sad that they didn't play Map as it's my favourite live track (apart from KoC) but we got Butterflies and Hurricanes (which, funnily enough, I sort of guessed that they may play whilst talking to my friend in line that morning)!


    It was a night full of gloriously dramatic singalongs. What a great crowd. I always love a good Muse crowd. Props to you all, Musers.


    Matt shook my hand during Undisclosed and he looked at me with the silliest grin on his face. I wanted to burst into laughter right in front of him. It was more or less this face, but looking directly at you:



    Basically Muse are brilliant performers and I'll definitely always be seeing them at any opportunity I have. I feel like an idiot for doubting them now haha.

  2. Yeah, it's easy to catch on but it needs stamina. It also doesn't help that I have tiny fingers. I can't even reach the last tuning peg when I let the strap sit on my shoulder... lezah are tiny. I play bass, guitar and piano :) and I sing. I also have drumsticks. But no drums. If I did have drums, left-handed like Dom! Woo!

  3. Oh hai thar, I'm Hazel! I've known about Muse longer than AFI, funnily enough now that I come to think of it, but I only joined this board recently. I really love this little alliance that we have. :)


    I'm lezah on here (duh) as well as on the DF board. Nice to meet you all!

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