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Bliss :)

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Posts posted by Bliss :)

  1. It annoys me too, you're not alone. It seems like for every good thing said about the band, there are 5 bad comments. And this is coming from fans; not just fans, but people who are "fan-ish" enough to post on a message board about Muse.


    Don't get me wrong, I don't think they're perfect. But it's a bit ridiculous when it seems like every little thing Muse does gets ragged on.


    I agree. It is annoying on some boards where the fans think that every single thing that the artist has done in their career is abasolutely amazing, and they can do no wrong. On the other hand, here I sometimes feel I have to search carefully to find anything positive about Muse. Sometimes I have to force myself away from the forums because the negativity gets a bit too much. I know I shouldnt let it get to me, but it does.

  2. After one of their big gigs, Muse were doing a little outdoor gig in a tiny car park (:wtf:). Which was free. But not many people knew about it so not many people went. So I was there waiting at the entrance to the car park. The entrance was like a really steep uphill bit of road. Anyway, they arrived in a white van, with Matt Chris and Dom sitting in the back of it. I saw Matt through the window thing at the back and shouted and waved at him (he didnt see me though :(). Then I ran up the hill alongside the van, and I got really close to them in their gig in the car park and took loads of great pictures! Then I woke up.

  3. Resistance was on Radio 1 this afternoon when I was in the gym. My friend was on the bike next to me and started talking to me and I was thinking "Shut up I'm trying to listen to Muse!". So I pretended that I was too tired to talk and kind of blanked her.... which I feel a bit guilty about now :erm:

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