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Posts posted by beatlesmaniac98

  1. yesh it was just about the best dream evar :D if only i'd gotta bit of Matt too :noey:



    i just started diving over fenches and stuff like 'i gotta get this autograph to her' :chuckle:



    i had a matteh dream :eyebrows:


    :LOL: imagine if it was terminator!



    "ill be back" *destorys fences* "i have got to get ze autograph to mah friend"

  2. I had a dream once that me and my friends were on one of those big red double decker buses when in stopped in the woods and we could see Matt and Dom waiting for us so we got off and went over to then. They lead us to this cabin in the woods with a jacuzzi in front of it and my friend and Matt went round the side if the cabin and you know ;) and me and Dom got in the jacuzzi and well you know ;)


    And then in another one all the members of Muse were at the bottom of my garden on one of those seat swing things and I kept running up to them and being all fangirly. Then I got an autograph for my friend and went off all Rambo style climbing over fences and stuff :erm:


    1 dream) olala :eyebrows:


    2 dream) rambo?!? :LOL:

  3. I had a dream last night that I went clothes shopping with Matt. There was so much sparkliness I nearly died of laughter.


    And fake snow. Dunno why fake when there's so much real snow outside. :wtf:

    oh shitt i was listening to shine and when i readd fake in your post matt said fake in shine :stunned:

    Haha, that would be the best. Muse should do a cover of some random hip/hop/rap song. Like... uh, oh wait. I can't give an example. Oh well. It would be hilarious, though! ^_^




    btw your avy=epic :awesome:ness

  4. had quite a long dream with dom last night! I can't remember how it started but dom was looking through my itunes and said he would sort it out for me, and get me some new albums, then my stepdad comes in and asks who he is (i was much older in the dream but for some reason i still lived at home..) then we are in austrailia all of a sudden at a huge theme park, but instead of going on rides he insisted we sit by the swimming pool, so we had to go and hire these fold up chairs to sit on. For some reason the pool was full of dogs and somehow we got 2 of them to fall in love (wtf :LOL:) dom kissed me and walked off somewhere and said he would be back in a minute. Waited for ages, got bored and went to give my fold up chair back to some lady, and as i gave it to her someone called out my name saying i was "a missing person" so i was like wtf and i looked over and dom ran up to me (and for some reason he had red hair and was wearing matts granny coat :LOL:) and ask me where the fuck i was and told me that he was worried sick. I asked him why the fuck he had matt's coat on seeing as it's sunny and he got pissed off at me and walked off. Then by simply running up a hill we were back in england, on my sofa. He said hi to my mum and starting kissing me and stuff infront of her :eek: She freaked out but stepdad just offered us some beer. :erm: Then we went upstairs but i won't elaborate too much on that :shifty:


    do spill do spill! :LOL:

  5. I had a dream that I won a competition to meet Muse, but the dream started when I was already with them and I was talking to Matt. We had a very long, sparkling conversation (I was far wittier than normal), then I spoke to Dom, but it was fairly briefly (even though in my head I wanted a full conversation with all of them), and with Chris it was even worse, because nothing came out right and I just couldn't talk to him (you know how it is in dreams when everything goes wrong?).

    Can't remember much of the rest of it, apart from Matt wearing a green sparkling leotard which had a hood and was missing a sleeve... He started doing that "alien" thing, where you put your arm under your top to make it look like the alien was bursting out of your stomach...


    A whole mess of WTF? :LOL:

    lol :LOL:

  6. This morning I dreamt that I went to England for four days and was staying in Teignmouth with Matt's mum. She had a barn full of all these different types of dogs, cats, and chickens and said her son brought them all home to her so she wouldn't be lonely.


    Then I was in the Cavern Club and it was as if back when they were first touring the area around Exeter and this girl tries to go up to Matt and he just stands there, feeling sick and he had to go away from her because her talking to him made him nervous to perform on stage.


    Then I woke up.


    :awesome:---------->*sees username*

  7. Hopelessly I'll give you everything

    But I wont give you up

    I wont let you down

    And I won't leave you falling

    If the moment ever comes


    - Endlessly


    this aswell...




    this is the last time ill abandon you

    and this is

    the last time ill forget you

    I WISH I COULD!!!!!!!!

    -stockholm syndrome

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