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About beatlesmaniac98

  • Birthday 06/18/1998

Personal Information

  • Biography
    i stalk bands :awesome: (:chuckel:)
  • Location
    somewhere over the (Dom's) rainbow....
  • Interests
    the beatles
  • Occupation
    student (soooo awesome)
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  • Favourite Bands
    the beatles,muse,the killers,pheonix,kings of leon,jet,the white stripes etc.
  • Favourite Films
    any beatles film, moulin rouge
  • Favourite TV Shows
    i noes watchs tv's
  • Favourite Books
    i read but not like that
  • Muse Releases Owned
    all except showbiz hullabaloo and haarp

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  1. :LOL: i know and i mean muse abbey road was just HOT!

    i know, but some of the conversations ive had about brandon are just :noey: and some involved matt also :eyebrows:

    I cant think of chris in the same way because

    1) i dont think hes hot

    2) hes married and has kids

    its just kinda weird to me, but oh well. its not my fault brandon is hot :chuckle-

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