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Status Updates posted by ^assassin^

  1. That sounds really good! You will definitely be able to use that. You have heaps of time until you finish. Don't even worry about it. We had our prize giving last night and i was really good. The year 13s are allowed to dress up so I wore a nice dress and some quite high heels. I was so worried about walking across the stage and I had to go twice! I didn't fall though!!! Yay!!! I cried during the school song, the lyrics are honestly the worst when you are leaving school, "So when i leave and I must do, I part of me stays here with you" couldn't make it though that haha :) It was really lovely though.

  2. Make sure to put some Muse on that tape! :D our system is so hard to understand. Its stupid really. It needs to be simpler. Thank you :) that means a lot. I am at school now actually, no one else is here so its not sad yet. Last day :( i am studying a bachelor of social science double majoring in history and political science. Hopefully it will get me somewhere. Enjoy your year. Make the most of it. You don't realise how quickly it goes by.

  3. I hate it when teachers have high expectations of you and can't see past what they want from you to what you actually get. I know the feeling. Your grading system is quite different to ours. Yours sounds easier to understand. Your ball sounds like a lot of fun though. You will really enjoy yourself. Is there a band playing? I am getting so nervous! I have two days left at high school ever! Lots of my friends are moving away and Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh i am scared about uni! I hope everything for you is going great.

  4. You have been busy then. How did your test week go? Is it compulsory that you dance? At our one, there was a room where the DJ and band were and we could dance if we wanted too. I didn't dance much because my feet were so sore from me heels. They were pretty high! Its great you got a partner. I didn't ask anyone. None of my friends did so I didn't either, not that i know boys to ask :) It is a girls school though so not a lot of people do bring partners.

    Green is a lovely dress colour. I hope that your dress fits you after it has been altered. I bet you will look lovely!

  5. Its summer holidays after I finish. I finish my exams in early December and Uni doesn't start until late February so I do get a large break! That sounds like lots of fun. Do you take partners? Our ball is for year 12 and 13 students. It was quite good this year. The theme was la belle rue. i had heaps of photos and that was really all i did, not a lot of dancing but my feet were so sore from my heels i didn't care much :D haha. What is your dress like? Mine was long, green and had a very low neck line. I had to tape it down in case of gaping incidents.

  6. Moving wouldn't be bad. You would get to meet new people. Yeah there is one about 20 minutes from my house. I am going to it. Waikato uni. I have been accepted so that is pretty exciting. I have only got about 5 weeks left of high school now. We had our ball last night so that really made me realise how little time i have left of school. Do you have a school ball?

  7. I understand. That sounds really difficult. But what you will receive at uni would be amazing. You are sure to get in. You sound amazingly smart to me. The languages you know and you are fluent in. Seriously you will get in. But you have a whole year to impress the university people. Will you go to uni uni close to where you live or will you go somewhere else?

  8. It is quite easy to get into uni here. You need 42 level three credits and i have got 40 and i haven't finished all my internal yet, and i have my externals to go as well. I almost wish it was a bit harder to get in but oh well. It makes it super easy for me to get in. What are you taking this year?

  9. Wow that is a lot! And languages too. At the end of the year i am doing 6 exams. My 5 subjects and a scholarship paper that if we get a certain mark we get money. I am going to find that difficult, i can't imagine doing 7 exams. I wish you luck! But then you have only just started back. You won't have to worry about it for a while. Is it good being back at school?

  10. You don't have to do exams for every subject you take? I have to. But then I take 5 subjects. How many do you do?

  11. I have only got 11 weeks left at school so i am not wasting the time i have there. I have fun with my friends, like i had a party last night, and i study a lot in that i can get into uni. I know i sometimes have to remember that the study will lead to a good future. My friends feel the same as me. Stick it out and it will be good.

  12. Oh wow that sounds like it was fantastic. I wish i could of gone. I follow a girl on twitter who went to the same concert and it sounds like she felt the same that you did. They played yes please and agitated! That would of been brilliant! I am super jealous! That would of been really fun.

  13. How was it!? It sounded like it was absolutely amazing.

  14. Thats good. Its so close, you are going to have fun. I am in my final year of school. But we have exams at the end of every year. We have to get a qualification before we can do the next one. You have your test weeks through out the year and we have our external exams at the end of the year and our internal exams through out. They are very different systems. Ours is so confusing. No, mine is on Sunday, day before term starts. I get to drive home from Auckland at 1 o'clock in the morning, get home about 2.30am and then i will have to get up at 7 to go to school. Yay! At least i have study first. You are going to have so much fun. I am super jealous. I wish they would come here. But they have only announced a tour to Australia so I don't think they will. Which is very disappointing. When do your holidays end?

  15. That is very complicated. You should be able to sell it quite easily though. Someone will want to go. Is god that you have a way to stay the night somewhere. Me and my dad are going to our gig. If has to come with me because it at a bar and r18 and since i am 17 i have a problem. Don't worry about school now! You have ages until it starts! You will be fine. How did you go with your last exams?

  16. I will go!! If i lived in Finland. Sucks that you can't go with your brother. Could you take one of your friends.? Even if they don't know who Muse are, they are amazing live and if your friends say them they could share your love for them. Maybe. I am going to a concert soon! I am so excited. But its the night before we go back to school so i am going to be really tired but it will be worth it. Summer only lasts two moths! Wow. We get quite long summers. Well, we get equal seasons if i think about it. Its quite good really. I hope you keep enjoying your holidays. I am very jealous. I have got so many assessments due this week. I can't wait for it to be over.

  17. Yeah, two episodes a screening. They have done it twice so far this year. Don't worry about it. I would enjoy as much of the sun as i could. It is so cold here right now. Not as cold as in Finland obviously but still cold. I had training last week and it hailed and i was wearing shorts and a short sleeved top! I was freezing! Are you enjoying your holidays?

  18. I think that it would be good to live with out my parents but they support me. I think in my second year of uni i will move out. Live with some friends probably. you will enjoy this series. The next one is good too. Its pretty cool here because they have started playing episodes at the movies. Me and my friends have gone to see them there. What is your favourite episode?

  19. You could download it. There is always that option :) Not long now. I definitely understand that feeling. You really want it to end but there are still a few days left. You are over it. I kind of don't want this year to end because it means i have to go to uni. that is really scary. But i finish in November and my exams finish in December do it is a while away yet.

  20. No they are not, by final exams are in November. These ones are practical internals that need three hours to do. Our schooling system is really hard to explain. Its weird. I would love to go to Berlin, it looks beautiful in pictures I have seen. It would of been weird to come back to not a lot of people after so many. You town is quite small. So a city with a population of 3.4 million... a big change!

    Sucks to have to come back and study, but if you study, you can go to Berlin and live there because you will have a good job. School is good, in the long run. Haha :) You are a bit behind, haha, even further behind than New Zealand! By a few series. But its a good series that one :)

  21. Its ok. I understand :) Sorry for me taking ages to reply, I have been busy too. Exams are soon. How was Germany?! Did you have fun? I bet you did. It would of been the best way to relax after a busy school year.

    That sucks. If you were in New Zealand, you would be invited to enjoy doctor who with me and my friends. Last episode!!! AAAHHHHH!!!! I am really looking forward to it. What do you want to happen?

  22. If you had to work you wouldn't of had a relaxing break so it kind of worked out. You can just hang out with friends, you don't need to do anything that will cost a lot of money. Have a tv series marathon! That is what me and my friends are doing these holidays. DOCTOR WHO MARATHON!!! It will be fun.

    Good luck for your tests! They sound extremely hard to me, but then I haven't been learning them :) You sound confident which is good :) Hope that it goes well.

  23. It is. It allows people who would usually be able to study, to study. Which is great.

    Haha :D Opposite hemispheres! Soon you will be in summer with nice weather and I will be complaining about how cold it is here. No snow where I am though, so I don't really have anything to complain about, compared to where you are :)

    Wow! Nearly done! You can do it! Do you have end of year exams?

  24. Uni is free?! Wow, that is so cool Ours is subsidised by our government but it is still quite expensive. Not as expensive as in America, but for 6 grand for a year when you have to do 4 years is a lot of money for me.

    That would be good for you. Working during uni and you can travel after. A gap year or something. Good idea! :)

    I will! I am going to the beach on wednesday until saturday so hopefully the weather is nice and I can relax without having to think about the homework I have to do when I get back. Haha :D

  25. I am going to have to do it next year, otherwise my student loan is going to be HUGE!!! What are you going to do at uni? Not long to go until your holidays!!! I have a 2 week holiday starting tomorrow, so I AM SO EXCITED!!!! SLEEP AND NOT A LOT OF HOMEWORK!

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