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Posts posted by queenziggy

  1. Oh my god! I just had the most horrible, awful dream. Muse wasn't actually in it, but it had to do with them. I dreamt that I was at work and later during the day I realized it was the day of the concert and I started freaking out because I wanted to get there really early like at 9am, and it was now 6:30pm. So then I calmed down and was thinking Okay no big deal, I won't be in the front but I can still go. So I wen't to my locker to get my tickets and the date said March 17th and it was the 18th that day! I thought I had missed the concert and started crying and then I saw my mom and my cousin there shopping. I told my mom and she started laughing, so I was like "SHUT UP IT'S NOT FUNNY!!! :mad:" Then my cousin asked me what were some other Muse songs because she only knew SMBH and 1901, o__o. And I said "1901 IS A FUCKING PHOENIX SONG YOU EFFING RETARD!" :$. I was being really bitcy to everyone.. Then I woke up and was like oh thank god it was just a dream, it's barely february. and my eyes were still wet from crying in my dream :(.


    This was really traumatizing. :'(

  2. Wow this thread is great! Scary at first, but I think all the tips will help. And do you guys prefer to wear ear plugs or not? The last concert I went to I didn't wear anything and it sounded amazing. Does it take away from the sound quality if you wear them?


    Also out of curiosity, those of you that were on the barrier, how early did you get there? I'm thinking about going at like 7am maybe... D:

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