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Posts posted by Laureno

  1. Okay, so I was just wondering if you musers could help me decide between GA and seats for the Cincinnati gig. I would love GA, but I'm quite small, so if I did that I'd probably have to be at the very front, correct? I'm just worried if I do GA then I'd be pushed around and stuff. Is it that bad? Would a small person like myself be able to handle it?

    I'm about 5'5" ft and 110 lbs.

  2. I heard Micro Cuts of all songs being used for an advert.


    Film4 advertising the great film Hostage ages ago.:happy:


    Was the first time i heard the song....was unsure at first, but then the love for the song crept up on me like Michael Jackson in an 8 years olds bedroom....


    You have no idea how much I'm laughing right now :LOL:

  3. HOpefully it will come with a gift receipt. There is nothing worse than a crappy camera that won't do what you need it to do. (Disclaimer I'm not implying that your camera to be is crappy in any way shape or form just being the voice of experience and 5 cameras and seriously contemplating the Linux :$)


    Yeah I know what you mean!! I've only had one camera which I got for Christmas 2-3 years ago, and it's the crappiest thing ever. I am definitely thinking of getting it (the lumix), it is just AWESOME.

  4. Hi I've been lurking around here quite a bit so I decided to post something. I read that the Lumix TZ7 is a great camera, but it's a tad bit out of my price range. Does anyone use or know of a camera that takes good pictures for well, a Muse concert that would be within a 15 year olds price range? I have about $100 but always get money for Christmas (thanks grandpa!), but not $300.

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