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Posts posted by kidabc

  1. I had a muse dream a few days ago, wrote about it in my journal.


    Basically I got a bunny as a gift, a cute little white and grey one. It was sitting outside on a table next to me, and then Dom sort of just walks up and snatches the bunny. He takes off running with my bunny in his hands, and he does that thing you do when you jump up and click your heels together. Then Matt&Chris come up and say, "Dom took your bunny, look" and I go, "I can see that, thanks."


    And that was it. One of the more bizarre dreams I've had in a while. Dom is a bunny-burglar:eek:

  2. Question, is crowd surfing the only way to get out of the pit? My first pit experience was in 04 at a green day show and my father was my protection and carried me out of there. Other than that I've never had to get out.

    I have a friend coming with me and I have a feeling she'll be wanting to get out of the pit. Any other ways of getting out? This feels like a really dumb question :LOL:

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