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Posts posted by Lizz24

  1. Yeah, that's what I heard!


    I'm getting there for about 3... Just in case they decide to meet the queue line like in Glasgow... Home county after all!


    Yeah really hoping there will be a chance to meet them... but I think the queue is gonna be in the middle of campus and it's so busy at the moment I think it would be chaos :LOL:


    They're in Teignmouth at the moment, getting 'back to their roots'. Pretty excited we're gonna be at a 'home town' (kinda) gig.


    EDIT: more than pretty excited.

  2. Muse dream last night :D (sorry, it's pretty long)


    I was at home in the UK, and I decided I needed to see Muse NOW, so i got a plane to USA and went into some really small venue, where Muse were playing..

    I got to the front of the pit (there was no barrier, just the stage) right in front of Matt. I waved at him when they finished playing USoE and he started talking to me and the people around me! Then he started playing Dark Shines, and we were all really suprised because they never play DS during TR tour!

    After the song finished everyone just left the venue expect for me and a few other people. Matt jumped off the stage and called us over, and then he got us all to stand around him for a twitpic :chuckle: Then everyone else left and Matt came over to talk to me and gave me a hug. I told him about how I had ran away from home and I was really scared cause I didn't tell my parents..I then asked him for his autograph and some photos, and then he asked for my shoe :wtf: so i gave him it, and he wrote some stuff on it (i was wearing converse). Then we said goodbye, and on my way home to England I looked at my shoe and he had written messages all over it, they said:


    Don't worry about your parents..

    Just make sure they've had plenty to drink when you get home and tell them ;)

    It was lovely meeting you

    Matt xx


    It was awesome :awesome:

  3. I had a dream last night that I was on the forums here, and I got a PM from Dom! It said something like:


    'Hi, you're such a great fan that we decided we really want to meet you! Meet us at ___ at ___ tomorrow' (can't remember places/times :LOL:)


    It was really weird, but awesome, and I got really excited and starting running round the house screaming..

    Then the next day I went and there they were :D Matt gave me an extra long hug, and I think I nearly died in his arms, he was so warm and huggable!


    And then I woke :(

  4. I had a dream Muse were playing at some theatre in London, so i went to see them with my friend and we got tickets on the balcony.

    During the first song (Uprising), Matt stopped singing and playing guitar, and ran over to Chris who gave him a bottle of water. Matt drank from it, and then I stood up randomly and screamed his name..He looked up at me, and tried to throw the bottle of water to me, but some guys caught it. Then one of them walked up to me and handed it to me saying, 'I thought you would like this'..Then i started screaming and saying 'OMG MATT DRANK FROM THIS, WE'RE SHARING SALIVA!'


    Then i woke up :(

  5. WOW i just had the most weird muse dream ever!!!(it includes other bands too)

    Well, it goes like this:


    I was going to be on the backstage of SNL for no reason, and Franz Ferdinand was playing that day, so me and alex(alex kapranos,lead singer) were talking like if we were best friends and the guys from SNL told him that it would be lipsing instead of really live, and alex wast fine with that... So suddenly, me alex and dom were in the control room and there were like giant buttons... So there was like one that said "lipsing" and dom pressed it so that FF could play live....

    So after a whipe the SNL staff was like:hey! The lipsing button doesnt work... So alex was like:ok fine.... And he went onstage alone to make a cover or "Scummy" by the artic monkeys with an ukulele and dom was next to me clapping his hands like a little boy for no reason...

    So, when he stopped playing,Andrew(andrew james vanwyngarden,lead singer of MGMT) was with ben(ben goldwasser,MGMT) and i dont know why, but there were two guys more... And they were dresses all with high heels and long dresses... And they were receiving an award...

    So i entered backstage and saw dom next to lady gaga and one of the pussycat dolls, and i went next to them and told them:what's going on?

    Dom: mica! I gotta tell you something!!!omg im so excited!


    dom: lady gaga just invited me to her concert! And i can go backstage!!!and she tool a pic with me!!!

    So then we both started jumping all excited shounting: omg!omg!omg!omg!

    And i told dom:

    Me: hey! There are the guys! Why dont you go tell them?

    dom: (he made a face like this: :$)hm... I dont know what they'll think if they see me all excited about a lady gaga concert... Besides... matt will murder me!!!

    Me: why????

    Dom: because they didnt invite him!!!

    And so we were saying this until we were next to matt, chris ,mateo?(a friend from school), and two other women that were from staff(they looked like guys with makeup).

    So matt went on:

    matt: dom... mica... Why do you guys looked all excited when you were going out of stage???

    me: hm... Us??? I think it was because--

    Dom: nothing! Nothing important!

    Chris: :shifty:

    mateo: hm...i think they're going to the lady gaga concert(and i dont know why, but he had the camera wich dom used to take a pic with lady gaga) look at the camera!



    matt: aaahhh!!!! You wouldnt dareeee!!!!

    And they were both like little kids showing their fists to the other and making "hmp!" sounds...

    So then my mom appeared in my dream and told me to hold my agenda, and my purse... and i was like: wtf mom?!!! What are you doing here???

    :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

    And then i woke up at f:rolleyes: 6am! And i had to post this... Hahahaha

    i just woke up to write it!!! So ill go back to sleep now...


    Good morning!!! :awesome:


    i can just imagine it :LOL:


    i had the weirdest dream last night

    i was in a forest..and it was like the blair witch project..and matt was there..

    and there were these evil people after us..and they caught us :(

    so then we were trapped, and had to escape, but we couldn't

    and then they died matt's hair red again and spiked it all up, and he started crying because he hated it :(

    and then i found a way to escape, so i escaped and saved matt from the evil forest people and we lived happily ever after, yay :D

  6. Two Muse dreams in a row :eek:


    I believe they were shooting a music video for Origin of Symmetry, as we were in this large, well-lit werehouse place with cameras everywhere. Matt and I were best friends, goofing off and laughing :happy: His hair kept changing between blue and black. At one point he was wearing nothing but white tights, and at another he was driving a go-cart around naked (God bless my dirty subconscious) :eyebrows: The view was nice, ladies. For some reason, I was measuring his height. He was slightly taller than he is in reality, but even so, I teased him about being short and he giggled in the most incredible freaking way. Unable to control myself, I kissed his cheek and said 'God, Matt, you are so ADORABLE!' :chuckle: He looked a bit uncomfortable (why is it that I can never get a good snogging out of the Bellamy? :facepalm:), but then Dom came up and the three of us had a cheese fight, through handfulls of grated cheese at one another :LOL:


    It was the best dream. Evar.


    haha, awesome dream!


    I dreamt last night that i was at this garden centre place with my school, for some biology trip or something, but i got lost :( and i couldn't find anyone so i went to the café place. I bought some food or something and sat down at a table (on my own :() and then noticed matt, dom, chris and some other random guys sitting round a table eating salads. I didn't want to disturb them, because i was worried they would be annoyed, so I slowly crept from one table to the next, to try and get closer to them, without being too obvious. Then matt looked at me and called me over, so I was like :D and ran over, but they told me to sit on the floor, and said i didn't deserve a seat :'( but then the other guys at the table went away, and matt said i could sit on a chair, so i did. Then they started discussing plants and trees, which was odd.. But then they all hugged me :D and dom and chris ran off, shouting 'let's go plant some trees'. Then matt talked to me about gigs and stuff, and what they've been doing lately, and then he gave me a christmas card and skipped off singing USoE.


    It was a pretty awesome dream, but the weird bit was that it wasn't christmas..it was summer..


    And i don't have a weird obsession with plants or trees :LOL:

  7. last night, i dreamt that it was christmas night.. and i heard footsteps, so i went downstairs, and i saw someone dressed up as santa in my living room.. and it was chris. he stood there eating mince pies, waved at me, then climbed out the window..

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