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About Lizz24

  • Birthday 10/25/1993

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  1. The problem is that I have no home number, only my mobile phone, so I don't really have the choice.

    But I've ever done that, when I was young, and never had problems, (excepted one married guy who tried to pick me up! :eek:) so, it should be alright.

    Things are ok! I helped my oncle in his new house, and got sunburns, obviously... I'm doing several things at the same time : writing some poems, reading a lot (some Shakespeare! I didn't remember of Hamlet very well so I borrow(ed) (?) it from the library. Oh! and I'm trying to read some books I've ever read, but this time, with the text in english!), I do a lot of sport (to lose the weight I took because of the problems I've got these last two years), I'm making a video from the Muse's gig in 2001, "La route du rock" (one of the best they never did! I would have loved to be there so bad!)... etc, etc!

    Well, it makes a lot of things! :LOL:

    Now you understand why I wasn't on the PMT this week!

    And you, what did you do/ are you doing lately?

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