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Posts posted by MissM

  1. Lots of awesome


    That was the most random and fantastic thing I have ever heard! XD


    I won an award, too, for being the best Smash Bros player in the history of mankind. Haha, wishful thinking. :rolleyes:


    NME needs to make this an award! :awesome: I suck at it, but even I could still appreciate the awesome that award would be. I mean, even with the award being completely out of place, but heyy.

  2. I'm 165 cm but I don't feel that short even when standing next to Stef. :chuckle:




    Actually it was kinda nice for once, as all my friends are ridiculously short, and I feel like frigging Godzilla next to them...well, I mean, minus the scales and alltogether dinosaur-like appearance.


    Hey, dinosaur. Amazing segue, wasn't it? :facepalm:


  3. Jeg er slett ikke misunnelig, neeei. XD Men jeg er en såpass ny fan at jeg fortsatt synes enhver gig er utrolig fantastisk. Høhø... Nå er jeg egentig gira på å se dem igjen, men herregud, de har jo turnert i halvannet år eller deromkring, så det er absolutt forståelig at de tar en pause snart.

  4. Jeg er noget misunnelig på de som fikk oppleve lørdagen på Wembley, for den setlista var rett og slett bedre enn fredag, og fredag var ikke dårlig, for å si det sånn. Jeg hadde sitteplass i seksjon 5, så jeg så nå noe sølvfarga og stripete der foran en plass. XD neida, det var en fin kveld.


    Er selvfølgelig gira på å se dem igjen, igjen, men det blir vel en stund til kan jeg tenke meg. Oh, well...

  5. Jeg hadde det supert, jeg! En virkelig perfekt dag.


    Jeg er så lei av klaging på setlistene, sånn generelt. Vi reiste i seks timer for å se ett band vi er glade i musikken til, (som jeg har utviklet ett nærmest religiøst forhold til, den hedningen som jeg er) og vi ville ikke gjort det for hvem som helst i en sneidrei. Det er en grunn til at vi gidder.

  6. Last night I had a very enlightening conversation with Dom. We were both like "this is so amazing, you know exactly what I'm talking about!!" We talked at length about something called a "fluxbiotical flight disorder". :erm::confused: Yeah.


    Somehow I became aware I was dreaming, and you know something is ridiculous when you wake up because you're giggling. But yeah, it was still marvellous. :awesome:

  7. Haha, my dreams are usually insane, but I never get to save the world with Chris!

    Anyway, I didn't dream last night...because I didn't sleep at all. I don't know how I'm still functioning actually.


    Well, for the best sleep and to dream, one should apparently get at least 8 hours of sleep or so. I'm not good at that, though. Not when I have stuff to do. Like fffff, I have to get up in four hours... Aye.

  8. Chris and I save the world on a regular basis. Except it's kind of coincidental every time. And we really just need to find Dom all the time.


    I have also dreamed that I went to a gig with my friends and to me, everything was muted, but subtexted, with closed captions! It was hellish.


    Last night was another dream about a gig again and we had traveled for it, and it was a beautiful, sunny place that probably doesn't exist outside of my mind. Anyway, we had general admission-tickets, and when the doors to the venue opened, we just neatly filed in and stood in the crowd. Then these guards approached us and told us we couldn't stand there, and we thought it was strange, but agreed. We wanted to go stand somewhere else, but the guards told us we couldn't stay. So that was more hell. I think I may be a bit stressed about Wembley. *sigh*

  9. Ohjeez, I was totally exhausted yesterday when I got home from work, and fell asleep for a while then, and I knew I was going out later on, so I suppose I was sort of worried about sleeping for too long and being late or something, and thus I dreamt that Matt was setting a bunch of alarmclocks because he was worried sick that I was going to oversleep. Which is odd, because I really just need one alarm to wake up, I am a really light sleeper. And I think Matt had personality-wise morphed into a friend of mine who acts a bit like that. It was really weird.

  10. I recently dreamed that I was on a roadtrip with Chris. I don't know what, but we had something really important to do (like save-the-world-proportion kind of thing) and we didn't know where we were going. It was confusing as heck.

  11. Jeg har to veldig snille besteforeldre som fortalte meg at de skulle kjøre meg til Gardermoen, hvorpå bestefar sier "nå er det jo ikke akkurat i morra, da, men..." og jeg begynte å le hysterisk, så det er tydelig at jeg er litt ubalansert for øyeblikket. Hehe... But it's all good.

  12. Jeg hadde egentlig ikke tenkt å dra, fordi ingen av vennene skulle (og jeg er litt paranoid når et gjelder å dra til utlandet alene), men tror dere ikke to av dem plutselig ombestemte seg i dag, da? Så nå skal jeg til Wembley den 10/09.


    Seriøst, jeg har ledd som en gal, grått litt og nå skjelver jeg. Så en kan vel trygt si jeg er glad og gleder meg. Hihi...

  13. Fuuu... Jeg vil også til Wembley! ^___^ Akkurat som om jeg klarer det. Det tar liksom fire uker å forberede folka mine på at jeg drar til Oslo uten dem, men med noen venner. Veeeel, da skulle vel ti måneder i teorien være tid nok til å få dra til England. Og ja, jeg vet jeg er 20 og gammel nok til å bestemme selv. ;P [/ramble]

  14. Okay, så jeg hadde lyst til å poste gårsdagens drøm i Muse dreams-tråden, me fant ut at den ikke er morsom med mindre man er norsk. Jeg drømte - av alle ting - at Matt var en halv meter høy og kjefta på alt og alle på pipesvensk. Det var helt sykt, men jeg antar det er sånt som kjer når en nesten bare tenker på én ting døgnet rundt.


    [/random post of the day]

  15. I seem to only have bad dreams as of late. I did dream that I had to have a USOE-flag for something, but just couldn't get hold of one, and I was so screwed if I didn't find one. This one wasn't that bad, it was just really stressful.


    The night before that, I dreamt that I for some resason was with the guys in a wardrobe'y type locker-room, and it was in the basement of a venue. However, the place creeped me out something terrible, and Dom kept telling me there was nothing to fear.

    Well, we were all getting ready for whatever we were going to do. Chris was in the room nextdoor talking on the phone, and Matt went up to spy on the crowd. Dom and I are about to go talk to someone in the crew about something (it didn't really make sense, because it was just random technobabble), and as I go to push the half-open door fully open, I see these black eyes and a pair of pale, rotting hands pushing the door closed. Then we hear this menacing laughter and the door is just not possible to open. I thus freak out and Dom just...doesn't, but he tries to reassure me by telling me it's just he door malfunctioning or whatever. We try to yell for someone to come and open the damn door, but no one can hear us, and we can't reach anyone by phone and then the lights go out.


    And that's when I woke up, thankfully.

  16. Jeg er veldig fornøyd med setlista jeg, men jeg er jo en relativt ny fan, så jeg vet ikke helt om det teller. Hehe...


    Nå er jeg bare veldig glad for at jeg fikk sjansen til å se dem live. :) Som jeg skrev på twitteren min: "Muse are so amazing, I feel like I've been re-born into some beautiful new world."

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