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Status Updates posted by okradeel

  1. I'm v. upset about dorkus leto back in the bmt thread. I'm ready for a tv marathon. Did you see my tweet about St. Trinians 2?

  2. I hope you're using all your free time wisely. You have any Criminal Minds dvds I can borrow?

  3. I'm studying too at 2 in the frucking morning! I really need to sleep.

  4. Please be a friend and tell me to get off the Muse board. I'm not getting any studying done. :(

  5. yep! Hopefully they still have the flag! There was some idiot guy AND girl that were trying to push their way to the front. I seriously don't understand why they have to be such assholes. Nice meeting you!

  6. alexis alexis alexis alexis alexis alexis. wtf is wrong with me? good lord. I need to take a chillll pill.


    ps. I harsh laughed at the christmas wallpaper. especially at old santa matt! :facepalm:

  7. I can't concentrate on anything. gahhhh. Also, Shannon is going to watch lamesauce John Mayer. So I have to sell my ticket for Andrea. Just a heads-up. Maybe she can use her black power and elbow us to the front! :D

  8. Yeah. I've been creeper stalking everything. Plus I still haven't posted anything yet. But I think I'm gonna post in the the gigs and tours thread now. MUSE IN VANCOUVER!

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