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Posts posted by Ella

  1. Hello all. :) I've been a major lurker for a long while, but finally decided to register. :p My first post had to be in the PMT. ;)







    My first post was in the PMT too. :yesey:

    Holy poo... I think i just died from Mattgasms!!! I <3 red, blue and blonde matt too much for my own good :$




    Here I am saving pictures out of the PMT. :chuckle: I haven't done that in a long time.




  2. So do his teeth and nose and chin and… :happy:

    I love Matt's oddly-shapedness. :LOL:


    also, updated PMT list. Tell me if I forgot you and you want to be added. Names in bold are those who I don't have names of yet.




    Aduuu-: Anni

    Alienora: Aline

    Anael25: Katy

    anasthesia bellamy: Anastasia

    AviatorAsphyxiation: Louise/LJ

    Beata: Beata

    CapcomGal: Jade


    cydonian_banana: Doris

    deborafraga: Debora

    einafets: Stefanie

    endlessly_blissed: Laurel

    Elenor: Eleonore

    Ella: Ella

    essee: Jess

    eternal-bliss-baby: Kristina

    f96pt: Filipa

    Glorious Resistance: Diandra

    hyperactivesteph: Steph

    Hysteeria: Sohvi


    igloo: Vero

    iminvincible: Masha


    jennyfluff: jenny

    JoMUSE16: Jo

    Kriistaque: Kristiana

    Kuutar: Anne

    LadyMorphine: Carla

    Lizz24: Elizabeth/Liz

    Lumiere: Melody

    Luthien: Amanda

    mafalda01: Mafalda

    me0w: Martin

    Mads97: Maddie

    Melania13: Melania

    MimusQe: Mishel

    Mizutsu: Gabi

    Mona1345: Ramona

    Natalia: Natalia



    Nutmegs: Megan

    OriginOfGeorgia: Georgia

    Pinky753: Shannon

    Pukerer: Hannah

    queen of the superficial: Ania

    Sarah 24: Sarah

    Sarah-x: Sarah

    starlike_starlight: Suzana


    Supermassive Muser: Greta

    TheGlitterati: Jaz

    the.unintended: Sarah

    Tofu: Allison

    Tinyenaira: Inka

    xMaris: Mariska

    Xx_MUSE_xX: Kerrie

    You Electrify My Life: Ailish






    I never considered Matt's nose, teeth, and chin to be gimpy. A little odd at first, but then I got so used to his features that I started really liking them.



  3. more Red Matt :awesome: and btw I'm so glad that I've found finally this interview :happy::happy::happy:



    So :awesome:





    I adore Matt, but I'm on the fence with those feet. :chuckle: Toes look all gimpy.










    1st one: never seen before :happy:

    2nd one: scary if you stare at it for a long time!


    Thanks Ella!


    'high-speed burst', a Class 6 card, and let the camera sort the rest of it out. You really don't need to adjust anything else. If you take 1,000 pics, about 70-100 will be alright, so the trick is to shoot a lot!


    And no, it's a fixed lens camera so you shouldn't ever have a problem at the door.


    Also, I've just remembered another detail: I've never used flash, not ever.




    Thanks for the tips! I might need to take few more shots. HAHA! That may have been the problem! Can't wait for the next chance to see Muse. I'm gonna catch some gigs I don't care too much about just to practice. :D

  4. nice to meet you;)

    yeah, I hate when it´s cold and rainy...and it´s still winter, so I want snow, not stupit rain:fear:


    I´m well...just a bit bored:happy:



    I just snowed here! :dance: But now the sun is out. :supersad:


    @Ella -- the pics you were asking about are from Atlanta in Feb. 2010, that was my very first time with my Lumix and I wasn't quite sure what I was doing. For best results, I'd suggest 'high-speed burst' setting, and make sure that the memory card you are using is rated no less than Class 6.


    I did get my Best of 2010 photography put together here:



    Your pictures are amzing. It sure looks like you know what you were doing! ;)


    Thanks for the suggestion. I'm writing it down right so that I don't forget. I might need a new memory card. Ok, so you put it on high-speed burst, then do you let the camera automatically adjust the rest of the settings? Or do you go to the programmable mode? I'm worried about the low light and wondering if the aperture needs some adjustments. It is supposed to be a smart little camera though...:unsure:


    Did you ever get grief at the door? This camera is a good bit larger than anything I've ever tried to take in before.

  5. ^Yeah! Security rocked when I was on the barrier! :awesome:



    :LOL: I guess ladies need to be peepared -


    worst case scenario - use Depends or something similar, obviously won't hold off a monsoon pee but would take care of a light, nervous drizzle.


    My mom threatened to wear Depends (she went along with me), but I think she was joking. :chuckle: When I went to the bathroom that last time (after we were already inside), I really couldn't go. It was just a drop. :LOL: I was just panicking and nerves made me think I had to pee.

  6. I was so worried about having to pee as well. My last pit stop was about 5:00, but it was almost like the anxiety made me feel like I had to go again right away. :$ I got to the barrier and the boardie next to me was in the same situation, and we asked the people around us to save our spot, and they did! :awesome: That was around 6:30. I don't know how much of an anomaly that is, but if you feel like you need to go, it's at least worth asking. The worst thing that can happen is that you lose your spot, and well, that's better than peeing on yourself I guess. :chuckle:


    But really, once the music started, I wasn't even aware of my body. You just don't seem to notice discomfort. Well, I guess if you got elbowed in the face you might notice that! :LOL: I didn't visit the loo again until about 1:00 am.


    :LOL: I didn't go again until 2:00 a.m.! :LOL::LOL::LOL:

  7. [ yt ]url[ /yt ]


    Take out the spaces in the tags when you actually embed. ;)


    :dance: I did it!




    This is all such great (crucial) info :LOL: I'll deconstruct each vid when I get home from Uni. Thanks for all the input everyone! It's really much appreciated :D


    Oh, my video is just the one my sig is from. I have no idea where it was taken from.

  8. Was this view from right at the absolute front of the barrier? I'm worried my shortness will take away from the cool of being at the very front :LOL: At least when those damn towers are being used..


    and ps; Is there a video floating around on youtube of the gif in your sig? :awesome: I keep staring at it :LOL:


    Yes, that view is literally on the barrier. It's still the way to go though. Being close is amazing!


    I will look for a link, but it's from KoC in Atlanta.



    Found it!


    Things get campy around the 1:00 mark. :chuckle:


    I don't know how to insert the youtube vid. Can someone instruct me?

  9. This is true. All depends where you are on the barrier. It was fine when I saw them in Houston and for most of the Phoenix gig (barrier for both); I got a lot of decent shots from both shows (click the link to see my photos from Houston, Austin, Seattle and Phoenix).


    There were a few moments in Phoenix when I got a lovely view like this, though. :LOL:






    :yesey: My view from the barrier as well.

  10. It was so tame in my pit. I think I was the worst offender because I kept bouncing into the guy behind me's belly and landing on the feet of the chick next to me. (*If you are reading, sorry for landing on your feet a few times*). Anyways, lots of terror for nothing. :chuckle:

  11. I dreamed that Matt sent me a message on here and it made no sense at all...something about "tulips," I spent a while trying to decipher the message before waking up.


    I still can't figure out any sort of meaning and now I feel like I missed something. :LOL:

  12. Yeah. I was at the front of Wicked and you could literelly see the spit and sweat of the actors' flying off into the audience, it's gross :LOL:

    But you probably didn't have a crush on the cast :chuckle: This is different:D


    I haven't ever had anything thrown at me from the stage before. I really don't want to be showered in alcohol :LOL:



    :chuckle: Sorry!


    :LOL: And Matt has his towel!

    Now that's one towel I wouldn't mind having

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