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Posts posted by HighRevoltage

  1. During UNC/ NC State football game :(:(:( I heard Uprising, twice. Both times leading into a commercial break. :D that was the highlight of the game for me, sadly. Poor Heels. :( My brother won't let me hear the end of it... he was like How bout them Pack, and I said How bout that Muse? :LOL::awesome:

  2. my friend went to the miley cyrus concert......... and they played MUSE.....................:stunned:


    aww bless the sound person, trying to educate the little misguided brats on what music is really supposed to be! Tough job to do, but someone's gotta do it! Cheers to whomever that person was popping in the Muse!

  3. i don't think excluding athiests or rejecting them would be right. We are supposed to love people, friends and enemies alike. I've got friends who are gay, bi,athiest, christian, muslim, black, white, asian... and yes I listen to both christian and secular bands. forgotteninjune, i have no problem accepting you for who you are!


    The way i see people is this: I am just as flawed as the people who aren't Christians. I'm not better than they are. I lie, I screw up, I've said things I regret, done things i regret. I'm not gonna play the holier than thou card.


    Besides, Jesus hung out with sinners and shun the overly religious types. If He can love them, so can we. I welcome you here!

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