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Posts posted by hunterrunfarm

  1. Ive seen a thread on here about age restrictions, and it seem like alot of parents take their kids and are ok as long as they are in seats. My daughter will soon be 8 and loves Muse, almost as much as I do :musesign: When they come to Columbus, Ohio and Cincinnati, Ohio I don't want to miss them, and she wants to go to at least one time. (well actually she wants to go both times...:D) I really want to take her, I just want some input on it. Ive listened to them and loved their music since 06-07, but this is the first time I will get to see them live. I wanted to go to Detroit last month and couldn't. (my husband will be going too...to help protect her,lol :LOL:)

  2. My daughter is 7 ( she will be 8 in July), she loves Muse. If you play any song, from any album, she can name it at the start of the song. The next time they come around here, I will have to take her to a concert, if I would go with out her... I dont think she would ever speak to me again.

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