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Agente K

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About Agente K

  • Birthday 10/23/1986

Personal Information

  • Biography
    I don't like to talk about me... Well... I'm italian, I live in Verona (Giulietta&Romeo's city! ^^). I'm studying economics and I can't live without music! ^^ I have a fixation with London and all that's british! I love english language, although I can't speak english very well... ^^'
  • Location
    Verona, Italy
  • Interests
    Music, music, music.... and music!
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  • Favourite Bands
    Depeche Mode, Recoil, Subsonica, Editors, Linkin Park, Bluvertigo, Queen....and MUSE obviously! :D
  • Favourite Films
    Can't remember all the films I love... XD
  • Favourite TV Shows
    I don't watch TV.
  • Favourite Books
    "1984" - G. Orwell
  • Muse Releases Owned
    "Absolution", "The Resistance", "HAARP", "Hullabaloo", "Origin of Symmetry".
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    4th December 2009 @PalaOlimpico - Turin, 8th June 2010 @San Siro - Milan
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  1. Italian food is so delicious! *drools* Oh yes, I will definitely spend a few days in Italy some time! Which reminds me! Three days before the concert in Milan I will be in Trieste for a whole day. :D I'm going with my class for an excursion and we'll take a tour in the city.

    That's great! It's always good to see friends who you haven't seen in a while. There's so much to talk about. :happy:

    If you don't find any tickets, you two can try to meet Muse somehow before or after the gig. You don't have to worry about standing in the queue and getting out of the stadium in time. :LOL: But still, I hope you manage to get some! :D


    Oh no beer for me, thank you very much! :LOL: I don't like beer at all, it is too bitter for me. And we're not allowed to drink any alcohol in the hostel anyway. I'm going with some of my schoolmates and two professors. We have these kind of trips every year in spring, last year I was in London. :D The negative side of this is that you can only go as long as you're not 18. :indiff:


    No lessons are good too, that means you will have more time for yourself! You can spend it learning in the garden or something instead of sitting at the uni the entire day. :D


    Haha, I hope so!

    I won't be at home this weekend. You know, Ireland. :D I'm gonna stay there until Tuesday, but unfortunately I have already school on Wednesday. :indiff:

    But staying at home doesn't sound that bad either! If there wasn't this trip, I would have definitely stayed at home too. I am not those kind of people who can't stay put at home, I prefer to spend my holidays in my room. :LOL:

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