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Posts posted by britnyaw

  1. i was at a muse gig. no idea where it was, when, etc. i ended up on barrier, but at some point during a song i ended up sitting on the barrier, facing the crowd. the song ended, matt walked up and i asked for his pick. somehow he heard me perfectly, and just nodded and dropped it right on top of me, since the barrier was right up against the stage. i leaned my head back almost upside down and said "thanks!" and gave him a huge smile. he then laughed his weird ass cackle, said "you're welcome!" and reached down to tweak my nose. i woke up laughing. :wtf::LOL:

  2. Just came up to my mind, I asked from my mum, who she thinks is cutest from Muse.... :LOL:

    I was in school, and middle of my lesson I got text message, and it said: "Meaby the bassist, I he would be 10 kg leaner"

    I had :wtf: moment, and then I realized what she meaned.... :LOL:

    Chris isin't fat! :(


    haha noo he's actually getting really skinny now! it's kind of weird to me, but he still looks good. :chris: show her pics of when he used to be bigger. :p

  3. lol he said all sorts of interesting things! we had a hilarious conversation. i'm going to type up a blog post in the next few days (hopefully tomorrow, actually) with pictures as well. i'll put the link up on here when i've done it so you guys can read what happened. :D i'm still sort of in disbelief. i've had so much wolstencontact i think the only person on earth more pregnant than me is kelly herself :LOL:

  4. That's great, so glad for you girls!


    Be sure to post pics once you have them...


    I wouldn't know what to say to him either... Guys seem to be more relaxed around him than us girls.


    oh no he's so easy to talk to! we talked about all sorts of things haha. he's such a cool guy, and so nice. i kept trying to get the rest of them to come talk but they claimed shyness haha. it happens, i guess. i'm just the complete opposite of shy :LOL:.

  5. hello all. i've been perving/lurking around this thread for quite a while but i figured i might as well join in the fun haha. i can't deny the wolstenbeast any longer. plus i get to see him in the flesh again twice end of the month, so :awesome:. i won't deny that matt and dom are sexy in their own ways, but being as i'm like 6 feet tall and a bit of an amazon, taller men are the way to go. haha. plus i can't say no to beardy, pipe smoking, bass finger porn goodness. :LOL:



  6. i had a dream a couple nights ago that i met matt and dom at some festival. i just remember following them in this weird outdoor place that reminded me vaguely of stonehenge. then all of a sudden dom turned around with a camera for pictures. matt and i took one first...and he basically sat on my lap so i didn't tower over him :LOL: (i'm literally almost 6ft tall, it would be bad). and dom roared with laughter the whole time, but i just sort of stared into matt's eyes :$. it was awkward. then dom and i's picture was us hugging like we'd known each other since birth with creeper faces. think ceiling dom. :LOL:

  7. When I saw them in Nashville, my 2 friends and I got there around...ah, 2 or 3 hours before the doors opened. It was COLD, though, God. Had a t and jeans on and felt like I was going to die, but it was completely worth it. We were in the pit, right in front of Chris. I had about 5 or 6 people between me and the barrier. It really didn't get too insane, some surges, pushing, lots of stupid little girls trying to shove past me...lucky for me, I'm 6ft tall and built like a freaking amazon so I just threw the elbows out, :LOL:. I'm sure I scared everyone around me with my spastic headbanging and just general freaking out, but I had a good time! This little asian kid was like latched onto my back the entire gig holding on for dear life and singing in my ear, :LOL:. But yeah...soo sore afterward from standing for like 10 hours and from the various elbows/knees I took. Battle scars. :D

  8. I rarely dream, but last night I had a dream that I was somewhere in the UK at a gigantic show, and I had VIP passes. "Backstage" was just a section of seating really, kind of around the side of the venue and nobody was there except for me, my 2 friends, Muse and about 5 other people. This is really all I remember: stupid contests with Dom involving making ridiculous noises, being horrifically (and wonderfully) pervy and making Chris blush, and Matt tweaking out because I said something about the new healthcare reform in the US LOL.Ah, if only dreams were real. :happy:

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