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Posts posted by AnnaMarie

  1. Had a dream last night that I was going to school with Matt, and that he was in my creative writing class and we were friends :) But I was nervous in my dream because it was Matt, and he was talking to me. enough said.

  2. I just woke up from a fantastic Muse dream! :awesome: I work in a supermarket and inside the supermarket Starbucks has a little 6ft by 11ft box that I work inside, and in my dream i was helping a customer minding my own business and I look up and I see Showbiz era Matt poking around looking at random things so i go up to greet him (as I must do for work but would most definitely have done anyway) and i asked him what a man with his accent was doing in Southern California (in my dream I wasn't sure if it was Matt because why would Showbiz era Matt be in the US, in a town about an hour inland of LA???) he said he was on tour and that his bus broke down so that they would be there for a while, I then asked him to make sure this was in fact Matt "Your in Muse aren't you?" and he says "You know us" I proceeded to tell him that I loved loved loved their music and couldn't be more happy to see them, so then, Matt brings in Dom and Chris and I got off work and we all went and had lunch :awesome: I was giving them hugs goodbye as I woke up, has completely made my day! ::D

  3. Dom was in my dream last night. I dreamt I moved to Florida and I was at some ice-skating rink and Dom was there just skating around, but then I fell and wacked my face off the ice and woke up.

    He better not have laughed at me when I fell. :indiff:


    :LOL: that's hilarious! Dom's just zooming around an ice rink in Florida, so funny! And knowing our loving, caring Dommeh, he may have giggled but he would have certainly helped you up and asked if you ere alright.:)

  4. I had the best dream ever last night! I was just hanging out with Dom and Matt, they were really good friends of mine in the dream, we were al driving somewhere and it was just so much fun talking and joking areound with them, it's just funny because they're the type of guys who could be your best friends, so the dream was awesome. :)

  5. I had my first Muse dream last night, I was in a hockey game, and the winner got to spend time with Matt, Dom, and Chris and I won this hockey game and had three hours of conversation with the Guys, Was a great dream, :) too bad it wasen't real. :(

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