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Posts posted by lightamps

  1. Hey Muse fans,


    From what I know, there's a number of Muse listeners that do listen to the danish band Mew as well. And if you're a frenger, please do support by signing here:




    As they are coming down to Indonesia on Aug 9, there's a number of fans in M'sia and S'pore who are voicing their request for them to have stopovers here as well. When I get sufficient and reasonable amount of people, I'm then able to address all the requests by SEAsian fans to their tour manager.


    Also, do join: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gi...d=100341482902 (you don't really need to be living in Singapore to join, which was a mistake to name the group as it is now)


    Thanks a lot! And sorry that I hjack this forum and have offended anyone

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