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Posts posted by Twonkie

  1. I had another one last night! Luckly this one wasn't as raunchy as they last one so I can post it up here...


    I was at a gig and Matt was going to play 'Endlessly' when these 3 fans walked behind him on the stage a knocked him, making him stop playing. They just carried on walking out of the gig and got boo'ed.

    Matt just laughed and abandoned 'Endlessly' confessing to wanting to play some "dirty metal".

    He went through the audience asking suggestions and agreeing fully to my suggestion; Black Sabbath. Suddenly some 8 year old kid behind me shouted "Feeder!" and everyone laughed, including Matt who just said "Feeder?" and walked away.

    I looked back behind me to see the child crying so I shouted to Matt who turned around and apologised to which the kid jumped up and down pleased :rolleyes:

    Matt clambered back onto the stage and a snow machine suddenly started, he explained about the roof and how it could collapse then did a manic little giggle and said 'enjoy the show' then disappeared backstage.

    The ceiling suddenly started to freeze up (even though it turned out the snow was polistirine) and collapse. People started running out of the venue and I stayed to watch cause it was actually quite beautiful then snuck backstage behind a curtain.

    Chris, Morgan, Matt and Dom were there all laughing with a few fans and Matt saw me and grabbed me, pulling me and a few people together for a photo (for some weird reason his hair was now blonde). He asked my name and I told him, to which he smiled and said how he thought it was lovely and that he was impressed (:wtf:)

    While Morgan was taking the pictures he offered me a drink then asked what I thought of the show. I told him how fantastic I thought the ending was and how the fans who had walked behind him were ignorant. He giggled and agreed then he recognised some people who called him over and he left, winking at me.

    This blonde then sauntered over to me and explained how Matt had gone out with her but it had never worked out.

    Matt suddenly appeared behind me and took my hand. We left and began walking down corridors and through offices. He asked if I had ever been in Sheffield for a gig. I said yes and explain how I saw their tourbus leaving. He grinned and said 'I thought I recognised you!'

    He then aske dif he could see more of me. Naturally I said yes then gave him my number and email address.

    It then flashed to messages he'd sent me (which were weirdly on here). He was saying how the relationship might now work; "Even though it's in the early stages just wait until me and the guys get back on the road. It'll be harder and only get worse, pup". (Pup seemed to be my nickname :stunned:)

    I told him that I trusted him and to enjoy himself and that I would see him soon.


    Then my mum decided to wake me up :mad:

  2. Just woke up from a Muse dream!


    I was walking down an old road I used to live down and my sister was with me. I noticed this stall set up outside someones house; it was selling old videos and cd's so me and my sister went through them, me looking through what she had put aside. I noticed loads of Muse singles and things they had done before they had come more well know and I shouted at her, 'You know how much I like them, why didn't you keep them?!'.

    Then I heard this really infectious laugh come from around the corner and I walked round to see Chirs, Dom and Matt sat at this long dining table in the middle of the road, laughing and drinking.

    I smiled and Dom waved me over so I sat down and began to play this game of cards with them. I had no idea how to play the game but I didn't tell them. I think Matt saw me frowning at the cards I had and shuffled over to look at me cards and told me I had won!

    Anyway, Dom gave everyone some new cards and I told them I didn't have a clue how to play. They all laughed and giggled and Dom passed me some of this seaweed stuff and some plastic ivy :stunned: He told me that the ivy was the most important thing to me and you could use the seaweed stuff to make someone eat it as a punishment, then he winked at me and dealt out some more cards.

    We played for a good few hours, slowly getting more drunk on these weird cocktails that kept appearing, then Chris showed us a magic trick where, when he pulled his boxers up his whole bottom half became invisible. I giggled and whispered to Matt, 'Well mind defanitly don't do that!'. He burst into laugher, spraying his drink everywhere so I made him eat some of that seaweed stuff as a forfit. He then said I had won the game and I had to down his drink; a huge fishbow of this vanillary cocktail! Then I woke up :LOL:


    So yeah, bit unusual :chuckle: Most creepy thing was that me and Dom kept flirting and those who know me know my feelings on Dom :p

  3. I had a weird dream last night after watching the Hully gig for the first time... yeah I know!

    Had something to do with the Zenith gig back and I was backstage and bopping away. At the end of the gig Matt came to the side of the stage and dragged me on so I could join in the pile-up :LOL:

    Anyway afterwards we all went out for drinks and Matt had has arm around me all night, and was all giggly and snuggly. Was lovely...I think he kissed me at one point but I was just waking up :shifty:

  4. i had a muse dream last sunday night, (it was a sort of follow-on from a much longer very surreal dream in which someone i believe was matt was involved).




    I was in my bedroom that i share with my sister and matt was sat on my sisters bunkbed (yes i know im 20 and i sleep in a bunkbed - the top one might i add) and matt was strumming along trying to tune his new guitar which was his pride and joy, it was about the size of a childs guitar and it had a spongebob pattern on it (the guitar in my dream does exist as well, i saw it in skipton music centre a couple of weeks ago) we were chatting away when i went to get something off my bed - the top bunk - as i stood on the metal bar of my sisters bed the guitar somehow broke. Matt was devastated, and he put the guitar on the floor and knelt down to try and fix it (its amazing how much more serious a broken string can become in a dream :LOL:)

    I crouched down beside him appologising over and over again feeling gutted that it had broken and he kept telling me it was ok, it was fixable.

    He turned back to the guitar and i was looking at him and inside i felt like i had butterflies in my stomach and i realised how much i loved him. Matt turned to look at me and smiled then went back to fixing the guitar. I carried on watching him intently this feeling in my chest and the pit of my stomach growing stronger.

    Matt turned to look at me again smiling telling me it was fixable (i had just appologised again) and he looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face. Then he put both his hands around the back of my neck cradling my head his fingers entwinned in my hair and pulled me towards him kissing me passionately. When we broke apart he looked hot and flushed and grinning like the cheshire cat. It was the best damn kiss ever imho :LOL:


    Then i woke up.

    However, although it was bellamy in my dream, he wasnt famous or anything. It felt like he was a mate i had known personally for years. (similar to the dream i had had previously1


    Awww that's so adorable!

  5. I remembered eariler today that I had a Musey dream!


    I was at a Muse gig and I managed to met the guys afterwards. I got all of them to sign my wrist because I wanted them as tattoos. Anyway we then all went to a local pub and Matt kept snuggling up to me and pytting his arm around me when he was talking.

    Was a lovely dream :LOL:

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