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Posts posted by youlightupmydarkestskies

  1. mines is just quite strange.. :LOL:


    We seemed to be at this small airport, and all three of them were just standing there and i got really excited (naturally :LOL:) and i ran over to them. They then just continued to stare forward, i then declared that i was a massive fan. They all ignored me, so i called out each of their names, matt and dom stayed fixated on something in front of them and when i said chris, he looked at me and asked me what was up. I then explained how i was a big fan, chris was grinning as i said this, and i was a bit upset that dom and matt were ignoring me. He chuckled and gives me a big hug and told me to ignore them and that he wanted to show me something. (this part is just weird? :LOL:) he then takes takes me to this little room thing and he puts in a code to unlock the door. its this room filled with guns on shelves.. there is a seat in the corner and as he goes to the seat, he picks up a gun on his way then sit down. He tells me to sit on his lap and then he starts talking about the aim on the gun or something. He then picks me up, then puts me back down so he's standing and i'm sitting on the seat. He then swaps guns and is about to tell me about another gun when i interrupt and ask him why he's so interested in them. He is about to answer when he gets a call from his wife and he says he needs to go, rolling his eyes. He hugs me again and then leaves the room. I immediately follow, and chris is saying bye to dom and matt, who are still standing in that same spot, but are talking back to chris. :facepalm: Then they all start to move away to different cars. Then my muse friend is with me, and we get in a car and start to follow matt.

    We seem to be speeding and cutting lanes a lot when we finally make it to this seaside type place with docks, with stalls selling candy floss and everything. Matt buys candy floss, before seeing us and running away again. I didnt see where he went, i was in despair because he never spoke to me :facepalm::LOL:


    then i woke up.



  2. this night i had the totally awesome :awesome: muse dream ! :eek:

    i fell asleep to new album at 1 am (but not because it was so boring; LOVE it )

    and then i was at my home. in the garden. there were so much people i know, my family´s friends etc etc . then i find out, that it´s a barbecue. i look around, talk with people. then someone says to me, i have to play a tennis match in a team with my grama, against a pair i didn´t know (thehe) then i walk on the tennis-field-thing (???) :LOL: and then dom and chris walk on the field ! in tennis clothes (dom had a tennis skirt :facepalm:) then i play and laugh and play and they laugh and smile at me and i can´t play and and and... then we walked off the field and talked alot. they spoke german (i live in austria) quite well and we had a lot of fun together. dom was very funny, he talked to me alot, like we were friends all the time. chris didn´t talk so much (as usual) and then he asked where the toilet is and i told him. then he came back and said thet there was no toilet paper. i laughed and said there must be something. he said i should come with him and i was like :eek::D we were standing infront of the toilet and he said i should look in. i was a bit afraid but looked in, though. it was all full of toilet paper rolls. i laughed and dom rolled on the floor laughing. then we had a lot of fun together, they had great conversations with my family, and so on. dom became like my best friend and it was totally awesome :D :D :awesome:


    ouch my fingers hurt baaad now :LOL:


    that made me smile. :happy:


    So, i had a short dream, where muse were playing a small open stage. Like a festival, but there was only a couple dozen people? anyways muse came on stage, everyone was just average, sitting in their fold-out chairs, except me ofc.. :LOL: i got to the barrier, and started jumping up and down to KOC. Then dom shouted that i should go sit on the stage(? :LOL: ) while they performed. So chris helped me up onto the stage, then they played PIB.. When they had finished everyone had gone. They all gave me a hug and i got matts silver guitar. :awesome: Then i woke up? :LOL:

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