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Posts posted by Alies

  1. My favourite season is the first series. It had an awesome story, but also because of the 'fantastic' chemistry between Eccleston and Piper. And I must say that Eccleston is my favourite Doctor. (However Tennant is close, so I don't like to see him go. But I think I will love Smith also ;) )

    I honestly believe that the thirth series were the least best. Maybe because Rose was gone... I even felt betrayed when he kissed Martha, which later was revealed as a tric.

    And I didn't like the 'Doctor' becomes human part. However I thought that the Master episodes and the Blink episodes were awesomely brilliant.

  2. I'm still going for the ninth really.

    And I think I will love the 11th after all ;) Just have to get used to him. I had the same thing going on when the ninth changed in the tenth, however I already knew that would happen before I saw even the first episode of the first season.

  3. I wrote those poems, being inspired by the chemistry between Rose and the Doctor.



    A gift to my lover.


    I don't give you flower.

    Not even I give a kiss.

    It's something I regret today.

    Something I will forever miss.


    Here I give you a life.

    Where my path will never join.

    The decision is yours to make.

    Tossing a rather quickly coin.


    I want you to take care of him.

    He remembers things I do.

    But damn, this hurt so much.

    Knowing he loves you.


    The Meeting


    It was the first time I held your hand.

    It felt like I was in shock.

    I could barely move a lit.

    Like the fingers of a clock.


    Still we kept on running.

    While the wind blew through your hair.

    And when we slowed our pace again

    I thought it was not fair.


    Deep inside I was struggling

    To release your lovely hand.

    I knew I had to run away.

    But even today, I know I can't

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