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About Alies

  • Birthday 07/16/1991

Personal Information

  • Biography
    I'm a dutch girl. Since that age of 11 I want to be an author in the future. Next to that I love drawing portraits of my idols.
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  • Interests
    My hobbies are writing stories and drawing portraits.
  • Occupation
    Student/amateur author
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  • Deviant Art
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  • Favourite Bands
    Rage Against The Machine, Muse, POD, Audioslave, Angels & Airwaves, Genesis, The Who, Robert Palmer... and some more.
  • Favourite Films
    My first movielove was The Matrix (how I discovered RATM). I used to love Johnny Depp movies, but now I just 'like' them. In general I like drama, romance.
  • Favourite TV Shows
    Ghost Whisperer. Doctor Who! Torchwood. Life on Mars <3
  • Favourite Books
    I completely loved Jane Eyre of Charlotte Brontë; De engelenmaker of Stefan Brijs;
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Showbizz, Origin of Symmetry, Absolution, Black Hole and Revelations, Resistance and Hullabaloo. And a Poster. And ofcourse a Resistance Tour Tshirt
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    14-11-09; 19-06-10
  • Twitter

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Escapee (1/14)



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  1. I must say I once got hooked on a "Create-your-own-DBZ-character"game.I suppose it was just the next step to my games.When Kame Hame Ha-style attacks weren´t enough,I´d give them weapons of another toys,creating epic battles on stages made of Lego bricks.I never drew Cell,but I can tell you how the ones who bought the manga used to photocopy their pages so as to colour them.Those photocopies were sought everywhere,believe me! Back in those days I used to draw my own comics with captions.They dealt with plenty of themes,but they often involved aliens,mutants or any kind of experiments which turned the main characters into hideous creatures.My all-time favourite one came from a movie of the Olsen sisters (yes,laughable)in which their aunt was a witch.But I changed the ending.After saving their "earthly"aunt,this one almost killed the alien aunt with a Genkidama (I still think this was one of my best drawings!).I said "almost because"the alien aunt told the Olsen sisters that they are in fact their alien daughters.So they willingly accepted being shapeshifted into their alien form,joining forces with the "evil"aunt to kill the "good"one by shooting rays.

    I´m afraid to tell you I don´t have that Bootstrap Bill drawing.He rests now,not in Davey Jones´locker,but in a notebook which those friends gave me.Maybe they wanted to boast that the drawings were theirs.


    I find it logical that you were kind of disappointed after watching I Am Legend´s ending:if you had read the book,you´d have understood it all better.I don´t want to spoil you how it ends.I have to watch 30 Days Of Night.And I got it ages ago!


    Think of this universe as one which is constantly expanding,but it has two main cores.After the Big Bang (On A Friday)the first one appeared,containing the Pablo Honey contellation.Its most famed planet ,Creep,is often cited by the Radionauts as the first place they visited,but I´d reccomend you to check the other two galaxies:The Bends and OK Computer.As you´ll see if you dare to venture into the universe,there are lots of wormholes/EPs which connect planets.I like them a lot,but I won´t talk about them now.

    The other core has four galaxies:a binary system (Kid A/Amnesiac)an independent one (Hail to The Thief)and another one,created from remains of small planets which ended up creating the galaxy (In Rainbows).They are also connected by wormholes,but they are smaller (because I´m talking mostly about singles :p ).As I see it,this constellation is the most interesting,but people say it´s too far away,so only the braves visit it.

    If you want more details,just ask me.

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