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Posts posted by [Dommeh]

  1. Both the dreams you had with pics... that would make an epic video.



    Oh, thanks :happy: Its ashame that I woke up so early, so I couldnt see the ending :LOL:;)

  2. Well, cuz I'm bored, I'm gonna tell ya another dream :D BE WARNED!!: I got another photo here!! :LOL: But still I cant draw :$:rolleyes:


    Here it goes..: I walked outside in some crazy hood, which I didnt know.. there was these trees and I guess it was autumn then.. but lets stick to the story:rolleyes:.. I was walking there and then I noticed this little house, made of bricks and there was door what was ajar and I thought that, mebbeeh I could go in :) After a while thinking I went in. First there was only a dark narrow hall, but then while walking there came these odd and so frigging weid pictures and sketches of Dom mostly, but there was Matt too. I was scared indeed, but then I just started to walk forwards. The pics didnt stop coming, there was truly A LOT of 'em! Then I looked at the back of the passage and I saw one of my friends (green shape) sitting there in some psycko mellow/fluffy chair :eek: Then I just hugged her and heard a voice saying: Awww...! <3 and then I walked out and woke up (:rolleyes:once again:mad:) oh again Dom is the pink and Matt's the blue X'D


    PS. This dream is devoted to my friend, so if she's reading this I luv ya <3 :stongue: and thx to SomeRandomPerson that u liked my drawing :'D


    So there, u can guess my dreams are effin strange :D But I still luv 'em ;) There iz the sketch.. :$:happy:

    musedreamagain.jpg.3b9f054db1ccfe67d45fcc669946e5c6.jpg*Watch meh!*

  3. One crazy night I had this weirdest dream of muse, it went like this: :)


    It was a nice day, only few clouds and I found myself, Dom and Matt walking on the rainbow, exept Matt was driving with this red "crushingcar" from aMUSEment park which had an "B" at the right side the car. We just walked there for a while and the we bumped into this weird looking "horse", 'cuz it wasn't any ordinary horse it was so freak... but we stared it for a loooong while and then it started to sing "Uno" with kinda broken voice, horrible!! We were like: !?OMGLOLWTF?! IT WAS SO bizarre!!! btw the horse was satanized (=almost as same as satanic, but even more f*cked up :LOL: ) and ofcourse when it was satanized it had an red eye.. one.. red eye.. that was odd..then I just woke up, cuz I needed to go to school.. but I can say that I wasn't happy when I woke up, cuz I would like to see the ending.. it was quirky but it was interesting!! :D I rly luv my muse dream cuz that rly wasn't the only one!! but it was the most "out of the ordinary" or like I like to say; "one of its own kind" :D and btw (again) I'm the orange figure, Dom is the pink and Matt, ofcourse the blue with the "car"! :''DD


    Here is a little sketch what I did in hastily from pure boringness of the dream.. PS. I know, I can't draw, but don't blame me :$:happy:musedreamtezt.thumb.jpg.b35131a9fb88fc4401b0b7ed8d67601e.jpg *Klick meh!, pweeease!*

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