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Posts posted by a-muse-ing.alanna

  1. Lol yes I do. Not about Dom though. Just matt. :$


    I wish that all of my best matt dreams would just come true already. Luckly in my dreams matt doesn't leave :yesey:


    Dreams about Matt ... still priceless! :awesome:

    XD haha you ARE lucky to have him stay with you!! :p

  2. I would be DEAD if I talked in my sleep :$


    omg I would be sooo upset if matt left during that time


    I didn't know what to expect since I can't remember what we ... uh, did in my erm, bed ... :facepalm::LOL:

    I'm guessing you have dreams sorta like this one? ;)


    I was sad cause he left in tears and I wanted to know if it was my fault or what happened!

  3. The dream immediately above - that is ridiculously funny! :LOL::LOL:


    And Wozo, glad to be of service. :):p


    If only I had a Muse dream - most of my dreams at the moment are just random strands of information I forget. I had a dream I was streaking through the shopping centre in Milton Keynes wearing just socks and a phone, but that's nearest and the only one I remember.


    why thank you! :D

    I don't understand ... every dream I have with them, Matt and Dom ALWAYS end up in my bed!! :stunned::p


    Just wearing socks and a phone! :LOL: classic!

  4. I had this one 2 days before I got to see them play in Calgary...


    It was my grandma's 80th birthday and Matt, Dom and Chris had all come to visit her! all of the adults with my grandma were upstairs and me and all my cousins were hanging out in the basement. Chris was upstairs talking to my parents which left Matt and Dom downstairs chilling with us. I don't remember what we were doing, but I remember standing up and saying "ok guys, good night! I'm going to bed!" then left the room. The whole 'screen' in my mind went blank and next thing you know I wake up naked in my bed next to a naked Matt! :eek::LOL: I gave him one of those O.o looks and he started tearing up and muttering things to himself going "I'm sorry! I *sniffs* I-I didn't meant to ... I'll just leave now..." and he rolled out of bed and ran out the door and I think burst into tears. :( I was SO confused and sad because Matt left me in tears. so everything went black again but then I opened my eyes and I was naked, still, but this time next in bed to a naked Dom! and he had this huge smile plastered on his face which was hilarious afterwards but at the time I was pissed off at him, cause I started yelling at him saying "HOW COULD YOU SLEEP WITH ME AFTER MATT HAD HIS FEELINGS HURT!? DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT HIM!?" then Dom just sorta rolled over onto me and I pushed him away and ordered him to get out of my bed and put some clothes on. (which under any other circumstances I would NEVER dare to do ;):p)

    It was funny cause the next morning my mom commented that I was talking in my sleep, and I asked her what I was saying and she said she couldn't remember exactly what I was saying (thank god) but that I sat up in my bed, pointed towards the door and yelled "GET OUT!" :LOL:

  5. I haven't had any muse dreams in a long time but this one I remember like it was real and it's my favourite. :)

    Anyways I was at home one day and the doorbell rings so I open the door and Matt and Dom are standing there with these huge suitcases and they needed a place to stay for 2 months so I invite them in and my parents give me permission to have Matt and Dom stay. (I don't know where Chris was, too bad he wasn't there.) So it fast forwards to night time and I'm sitting in bed reading or something and I hear Matt and Dom arguing outside of my bedroom door and I said "Guys? hello?" and my door slowly opens and they both peek inside of my room and I just say "It's pretty late, how come you aren't sleeping?" and Matt just jumps into my room and yells "I'M NOT SLEEPING WITH DOM! I'VE DONE THAT TOO MANY TIMES ALREADY!" :LOL: and Dom said "So we're just arguing who gets the spare bed." I said "Well, there's an inflattable mattress under my bed so one of you can sleep on that, but I'm going to bed, I'll see you in the morning." or something like that. Next thing I know it's morning and I wake up and Matt is to the left of me sleeping like a baby. He was wearing flannel pajamas with teddy bears all over them. :) He just kinda woke up and he explained that him and Dom couldn't decide who would get the spare bed and that my bed looked the comfiest so they both decided to sleep in my bed. Sure enough i look to my right and Dom's sprawled out in my bed just wearing his boxers sleeping. :LOL:

    I can't remember the rest of it clearly, but I do recall that we went shopping and we went into a lingerie shop, where Matt Dom and I proceded to have a thong-flinging war in the store. Then we got kicked out of the mall. :p

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