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Posts posted by parakiszer

  1. I'm happy to be having Muse dreams again, but they just get more and more rediculous...


    This one was just about Dom. It started in an assylum, in one cell with a crazy guy named Oscar. Oscar left for a bath, so I looked through his drawers and found a bunch of magazine clippings, some of which were pieced together to look like Dom (:stunned:). I warned Dom about the nutter that was obsessed with him, and we went to the courthouse/CSI lab for a restraining order. He and Oscar started yelling at each other. A cop brought out a police report stating that the two had shared a wild night together a few years before and Dom never called Oscar back. Oscar was sent back to the nut house for a few extra years, and Dom was to be locked up. My friend and I snuck into the closet where he was being held and carefully knocked him unconcious (What?!). He turned into a sea lion (What's with all the blubbery Arctic critters?) and we brought him to the vet/hospital. Then my friend Jeff shows up in the lobby, along with my old music teacher, who tells us that the cafeteria is open. We forget all about Dom and run to get food...


    What is wrong with my brain? :facepalm:




    poor dom.

  2. I had this dream I was shopping in the city. And this new shop opens that sells band tees. There was a special section just for Muse tees, so I bought one. I went to a ticket shop after and bought tickets for the Resistance tour. After, I bought tickets to England and renewed my passport. I was so excited because I was going very soon. When I woke up the next morning to catch my plane, my house was broken into :stunned: during the evening. The only things stolen were: my passport, plane ticket, Muse tee and Muse ticket. I cried so hard.



    ouch! it really hurts even in the dream..:(

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