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Status Updates posted by dannasmuse

  1. Lol well work hard ok?

  2. Lol I see uve decided to change ur username yet again. :p

    I just had dinner with my girlfriends. I had a great time. :) I have the best friends in the world.

    They were so sweet they made me cry. Lolz

  3. thank you! :D

    YEA, im excited!

  4. haha wooooooww. THAT was interesting. Watch, they'll sign him to a record company and ull hear that on the radio soon...

  5. Yes, it was like my whole world was painted pink. It was all I could see...aaah. AAAHH.


    ok. I'm like soo freaking hyper, dude. HYPER. MUSIC.

  6. That doesn't sound good...what happened?

    I don't know I think the reason there hasn't been a real rocker is because Idol turns them all into Pop Rockers. That's what they did with Allison. I read the description of her new album and it said "She likes her music to be heavy." Or something like that. And then I heard like a little bit of a song and felt like I was going to throw up hot pink flowers.

  7. umm...i can't do this. I broke my streak at around noon today. -.- im hopeless. it just feels so good to sing, ya kno?

    yea that guys really really good. but he's not my favorite. i dont have a favorite yet. i wanna good rocker. someone who i will actually go out and buy their album.

  8. ok so ive decided to not sing for a week...or till my voice completely heals. i was singing about a half hour ago and my voice cracked. i flipped. lolz. not that its never happened before... -.-

    anyway. we'll see if i survive these dreadful seven days. D:

    its been 10 minutes...i can do this.

  9. poor bertha :(

    lolz. im actually feeling a LOT better today :) in the morning i wasnt so great but then the tylenol kicked in and im feeling great :D ...lil loopy though. i found myself talking to myself quite a bit...

  10. sorry about last night...i have no clue what happened.

  11. Lolz it's alright. I had to go anyway. Muse has a new single :)))) it's resistance. Yay. Well I mean the song isn't new but it just became a single.

  12. Thats really great! I'm happy for u :)

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D Hope it's your best year ever!

  14. lol me too :)

    did u watch muse on Vh1 last night? AWESOMENESS! :D

  15. Thanks! :)

    Turns out it's only a buckle fracture. So I just had to buddy tape it.

    I can't play goalie anymore, but I can play defender woohoo!

    It doesn't hurt to type btw :)

  16. Dude, I did something to my finger :'( I dove for the ball and a girl on the other team fell on top of me. I don't really know what happened but Im going to get it xrayed. If it's broken I won't be able to play guitar, piano, or go on chat... If I do I'll be typing very slowly. :(

  17. Why thank u :D Im goalie. Don't get many chances to kick ass :(

  18. Oh God. Hockey >.< my brothers like obsessed with it. I've had enough of it.

    Im about to go play a soccer game... Were gonna get our asses kicked. This team is like one of the bestestests. :) wish me good luck!

  19. Yup. So, anything new?

  20. Yea when i tried to log back in, it said "Bertha" was having problems. lolz oh well.

  21. sorry about earlier... my internet disconnected

  22. Happy new year to you too! Man, I'm so glad I'm done with '09. I'm so ready to start fresh...sort of.

  23. haha how can u even compare???

    i cant believe tomoros 2010! where has this year gone?

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