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Posts posted by Kuje

  1. It was the 14th of September and I was at a cinema for the first play of The Resistance. I had my friend with me, and we were really excited. The album was meant to start playing exactly at 6pm, but when the time came they just started playing knights from haarp. And after that we saw the making of uprising that continued as the whole making of, and we were forced to hear bits of the songs forehand. Then the image changes and there is Matt saying "here it comes!".

    So the album starts playing, though it begins from the symphony. We hear twenty seconds of Overture, then it dramatically changes into Gerard Way talking about "yeah I've always loved muse. They're my biggest inspiration and blah blah blah". I got bored and decided to get home because my CD has probably arrived.

    The cinema was apparently next door of me, so I just walk two metres and go inside.

    The album has really arrived, but I don't recognise it at first because it's red and called "New Moon Soundtrack". The cover art also includes hearts and a picture of Bella and Edward. The only thing I was thinking "of course this isn't twilight related, it's just random people and something to do with the moon".

    So I started playing it in my CD player, and after Uprising my CD-player apparently is a TV and it starts showing the New Moon trailer. Then I woke up thinking "oh my god I should've been in school half an hour ago" and got ready and left outside until I remembered it's Saturday.

  2. I had the pig tail dream again. It was exactly the same.




    Ok this is getting seriously stupid..


    Matt was on our couch reading a newspaper. There was an article about how dog tails have grown a lot since 1960 (lolwut?) and Matt was completely shocked about it. He told that his tail wasn't long enough, and there actually was a tiny pigtail coming out of his ass. He said he was jealous that my tail was so fuzzy and long. I didn't understand what he was talking about until I checked my back and I had a huge foxtail.

    Then Dom runs there and screams ZOMG MATTEH I CAN PLAY NEW BORN ON PIANO and then he plays it. And runs away. He also had a pig tail, but it was so long it touched the ground. (LOLWUT?!)

    Matt just continues about the tail thing, he tells me that over 90 % of the dogs have longer tails than he does. He told that he might go and visit Hagrid so that he could make his pig tail longer and furrier. Then I woke up.

  3. I slept really badly last night, and the only dream I can remember was really confusing and had the small print playing really loudly in the background. It lasted for about ten minutes and then ended.

  4. I had a confusing dream last night. I didn't remember it until I was drinking my coffee though. The coffee spread all over the table when I started laughing about it.

    I was driving a car with Matt. Or actually Matt was driving, and we were listening to The Resistance. MK Ultra was horrible, but I didn't say anything 'cause poor Matt was so excited "yeah this is our best album, this is probably the best song in it" and stuff like that. He just kept talking about the album, and I was really happy about that.

    Then Matt said he didn't want to drive anymore, so he put me to the wheel. Of course I didn't know how to drive, but he taught me "you press here and the car goes faster and press here and it stops". Then I could drive, though I drove on the wrong lane the whole time.

    So we continue driving the car, and then I start wondering "what if I drove down from here". Then I drove the car down from a mountain (apparently we had been driving on a mountain or something). Then it turned into this really cool panorama thing, it was like in a rollercoaster or something. The car didn't come down though, I think it just stayed up there and I fell with Matt to the bushes. Then we had this cool sex scene and then Matt steals a plane from a farmer that was watching and he flies away.

  5. Well, last night I was clearly really good friends with muse, 'cause they sent me their entire discography. Like all the different versions from other countries etc. And they were all signed too. Then I got three muse bobbleheads, though they were all just ordinary dog bobbleheads but I didn't realise that at first.


    When I did, I also realised "omzg this is a dream!" and had a nice lucid-dream the rest of the night :awesome: it also involved muse but it was kind of.. private. You know.

  6. I woke up last night, at 3 am or something, and went to the kitchen to get orange juice. Unfortunately I almost fell asleep on the journey back an the orange juice was spilled on my desk when I woke up. But this was totally irrelevant.

    Before waking up I'd dreamt of being in some sort of choir practices. There were fifteen of us, one of us was the young Matt who plays piano on the youtube video, and the rest were some unimportant friends of mine. Anyways, our choir leader was Matt, like grown up, and he didn't even notice his younger self being in the choir. He just called him Richard and for some weird and twisted reason he called me Gaia. I tried saying my real name for him many times, but he just said "no, your name is Gaia, because I say you are Gaia!" I finally gave up and called myself Gaia.

    Then we started singing something, but Matt kept shouting "RICHARD CONCENTRATE!" because the young Matt was staring at someone's ass and drooling on the floor or something, I'm not sure what he was doing. I wasn't really paying attention to him.

    So, we sang there, I remember thinking "omg I'm such a great singer!" and then Matt comes to me and says "Gaia, get out, you can't sing". I got pissed and went to sit on the piano. Then Matt ignores me and they continue their lesson.

    When they are finished, Richard-Matt comes to me and says something completely stupid and perv. Matt-Matt comes there and tells Richard-Matt he should stop getting married with everyone (wtf?)

    Then the dream ended.

  7. My dream was about me and Matt in an agility training. Matt was the dog.


    I'm not gonna explain this much more, but always when we started training a part of the course or an obsticle (is that how you spell it :erm:) he turned into a border collie.


    I also explained to our training group "yeah he is so wonderful, got him straight from Italy, a very infamous breeder but fantastic dogs" and Matt was standing there and smiling and waving to everyone.


    Then it got really embarrassing.

  8. I was having a hamburger with Thom Yorke. He ordered a giant doubleburger, but I didn't have anything. So, Thom starts eating the burger and goes on about how he became a vegetarian because doesn't want to hurt the sheep on the field. He kind of had his own conversation, because I didn't say anything. He also told me that "the Bellamy guy" had attacked a sheep farm yesterday, biting the heads of the sheep. I was still sitting there quiet and not saying anything. I'm not even sure if I was there, it could be that I was just watching Thom Yorke having a conversation with himself.


    Then there is a huge group of teenagers coming in. I remember them being my neighbours and with them there was young muse. Matt had the large jumper and long hair, Chris had a lemonhead-shirt and all I remember of Dom is that he looked like an idiot. They all ran to Thom, like "look it's matt bellamy!!!" and asked him to sign their hamburgers. Thom told them to fuck off and left.


    Suddenly I realise that Muse is Muse, and we have this nice little chat. The teenagers have just vanished somewhere. Matt tells me that he has stolen some Queen-outfits for the Resistance-tour. I thought it was a great idea, and he gave me one too. No idea what it looked like though.

  9. the return of the weird moose dreams


    I was queuing for the concert in Helsinki. It was snowing and we all had these massive jackets on so we wouldn't freeze our asses of. I remember playing cards with my friend and at the same time wondering where I could buy strawberries, when we see Matt a few metres away building an igloo. It was a nice igloo, well made. Matt saw us looking at him and was just like "O HAI!!" and continued. Then he went inside and soon came back with a laptop. Then we were surfing on some forum, no idea which one, and soon the concert starts.


    Matt was still with us, and he said "Oh dear, this is so exciting, I've always wanted to see radiohead! Thom Yorke is soooo good looking!". Then the concert just begins, and on stage were Dom and Chris with Thom playing USoE.


    When Thom came to the part "you and me fall in line", I had lost Matt somewhere. I started screaming "where is my matt bellamyyyy" and everyone in the crowd looked exactly like Matt. Then I got reliefed and continued listening.


    When USoE ended, I and Matt bought a T-shirt with Thom Yorke's head on it. Matt went fitting, because we would wear the same size (no idea how we knew that). Then we were cool with our thom yorke-shirts and the dream ended.

  10. YAY my dreams are turning normal :dance:


    Last night I just dreamed about me getting married with Matt. Then he said he needed to use the toilet and came back as Chuck Norris. And the wedding continued normally.

  11. Yay I just remembered the dream I had last night..


    I was in the field with sheep and Dom. Dom was riding one of them, and he had dressed up as a king. He had a huge crown on his head, and I remember the crown having a picture of Matt in it.

    Then he jumped off the sheep, and started drumming. Then he began humming a song, I can't remember what it was, but i knew it. Some kind of a children's song. Then Chris and Matt ran there, they start doing some kind of ritual around Dom and the drum, and they were all humming the melody. Then Matt jumps at me, screams "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY MIC?!", gives me a bitchslap and runs back to continue the ritual.

    Then I had this huge journey where I travelled around the United States of Eurasia, it looked a bit like runescape, and finally finding the mic. Then I went back to the field and gave Matt the mic. He performed an amazing Stockholm syndrome, and then I woke up.

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