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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. no no no! u shuldnt! i took forver! to reply the last time! dont feel bad! *please* :happy:

    your welcome! yep i loved winter break! i actually got to sleep! :LOL:

    Its crazy how fast 2010 went by! i really cant believe it january. so how was ur new years eve?

    lol ya know thats so ironic, coz im listening to the killers right now and i thot of u and went onto .mu and BAM! :p

    I know, i cant wait either! is it sad that i actually cried a little bit when dobby died? :$ i havent read the 7 book yet, so i am completely clueless as to what will happen.

    :awesome: ya like it!? no i havent seen tron.. im debating wether to, ive heard the plot and such is crap, but the visuals are awesome. (and it has a cillian cameo *squuee!*)

    no, i dont have a tumblr, i just found an awesome one filled with keith... lol i really dont even know what tumblr is :facepalm:

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