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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. thats horrible! :eek: i wouldnt be able to survive! thats fine! :happy:

    i dont like hoemwork at all. yeah like right now im watching house (its finally new! :awesome: ) replying, and trying to study for spanish and health...:chuckle:

    ohh i see!

    YES! they is awesome! lately ive been interested in 30stm, so now i got 2 of their cds :facepalm: i spend way too much on cds.. lol

    IT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i almost cried when the guy got it for me! i asked if they had new releases and hes like what ya looking for, me- brandon flowers, him- oh we have that! *runs off, comes back, hands it to me* me- :awesome::D:eek::awesome:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it was the special edition!!!!!!!!!!!!! its like awesome! and it sounds killers-y but yet it has something brandon to it, ya know.

    naw, the rest was just me embarrassing myself over keith........ :LOL:

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