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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. i would watch it but ive been so freaking busy with school! i hate it! i have been really wanting to do this sorta bliss video inspired oil pastel picture, but stupid homework has gotten in the way. and there are like two, wait three movies i really wanna watch... ah i cant wait for the weekend! :eek:

    :LOL: thats great.

    "normal school" ???

    cool :chuckle:

    I know! i saw one at St. Louis Bread Co. the other day and i got really jealous! she was beautiful and looked all fluffy! :happy:

    RITE! i love the beginning "what do i think is sexy.... hmmm" and i love his answers, they arent all pigish and stuff but nice and ya know! :LOL:

    i think im doing that right now... hahahha ive spent so much on cds lately! well im kinda like rebuilding my music collection, before 2008 (when i found muse) i like all that rap hip hop stuff coz thats what everyone listened to. so i threw all that out when i found muse and started my new collection! so i just bought an MGMT cd yesterday :awesome: i think its oracular spectacular, i still have no idea how to say that! :LOL:

    :LOL: oh my mum has no problem voicing her opinions!


    right!! uh i was so happy!

    :LOL: thats great, well ill keep my gay version of it! :LOL:

    i need a keith fic...... god why is my brain like this! oh keith and brandon.... thatd be good for me. coz for some reason i find keith insanley sexy in this picture..... :$


    i have no idea why..... chris not so much, but keith....


    i heard Mr brightside on the radio during biology today! i was so happy! :LOL:

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