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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. what does that mean? lol

    OMG that is so weird! :chuckle:

    oh well yeah at first it was kinda weird at lunch but we've been getting along well lately, and i also know this other girl who came to sit by us. so lunch is good. but i have SOO much homework at night! i dont know how people do stuff after school! :eek:

    :LOL: i probably fail to, but i never tried... lol for some reason i just cant get into watching sports, i think i like playing them more. :chuckle:

    well capa was his last name and everyone called him that, but i sooo want a little boy puppy *ive decided a husky* thats name is Capa! :happy:

    i know! like my mind is always in the gutter.:facepalm: i know rite! i have this obsession with stuff in B&W oh and i found a color one:

    i love at like 1:19 when he licks his lip..... huh *fangirly squeal* i cant tell you how many times ive watched that, and paused it, and stared..... :$

    I need to go to best buy soon, but im like using all my money on cds :LOL:

    :LOL: yeah, but ya know i can never find anyone who shares the love *except my mum thinks cillian and david are hot! and oh yeah! she said that Keith looks like George Clooneys son! so thats a big step up from rat boy!* :chuckle:


    i was in my room and my mum was in the other room and i was like hmm flowers *brandon pops to mind* then i started reading saw the wedding band, then his name and i swear i jumped up and down and was like WOH! YES! :awesome:


    you know i always thought Andy Your a Star had a bit of a gay relationship undertone to it, dont ask me why :facepalm: that probably seems really weird!


    ph at school we have this news channel and they used one of the SMBH riffs as the opening credits!!!!!!!!!! i went from :sleepy: to :D i seriously couldnt wipe the smile off my face!

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