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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. :ninja: ill have watch that later...

    i know/knew how to say good morning i think..... i know its guten taug :LOL: *spelling FAIL!* lol thats more like pronunciation in my world....

    Cat Face?

    Well one of my friends knows a girl who has my lunch and doesnt know anyone in it so we started texting today :) and it seems like ill actually know someone! Im going to a new school but with everyone ive known and some new schools. it ridiculous how far apart classes are! :( walking from class to class is pe! :chuckle:

    :LOL: yeah ill end up rooting for psychopaths. Well im not really a sports fan so i dont ever watch anything like that :p

    thanks, well i got Capa from sunshine. it was cillians character :facepalm: but for some reason the name makes me go :happy: so i like it! :LOL:

    :LOL: ok that sounds wrong when u take it outta context! they is. :yesey: I am like mesmerized by this video

    i lobe how his eyes are still so captivating even in black and white. :chuckle: i cant wait for those pics to come out.

    I know! its like ok i have to look away! yeah i like Franz :) ive gotten their album tonight, i want the others but target didnt have them!

    lol oh i cant help it, it just comes out!! :LOL: coz ya know i wanna spread the love! but that never seems to work.... darn

    Whyd she think that?

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