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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. ill have to look that up then :LOL:

    yeah, i always end up making fun of their accents tho :facepalm:, even tho i am a lot german.

    Right! i was watching this like whack-a-kitten. it was cute and it has all these tiny little kittens running around :happy: (i cant say or think the word kitten without seeing cillian playing Kitten the transvestite :facepalm: )

    I really dont want to start school! Homework, teachers, getting up at 5 in the morning to catch my ridiculously early bus just does not appeal to me! :( and i have no classes with my best friend.

    That feeling is great! If i see someone I cant wipe this smile :D off my face! and i always end up rooting for them in a movie, even if they are the bad guy! :LOL: yesterday my mum called me into the other coz she saw matt and kate hudson on ET :rolleyes:

    Thats a cute name! :happy: if i EVER get a puppy im going to name him Capa :facepalm:

    I just like his lips coz of their shape and fullness lol

    Ive become interested in franz ferdinand lately and i cant help but think that alex looks kinda like a pervy stalker in a lot of their videos, like in No You Girls. :chuckle:

    I saw it on Syfy a couple of days ago. My mum woke me up to watch it coz it had Cillian in it :LOL:

    awh! i hope you get to see it! it was amazingly awesome!

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