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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. i know! that would be the best game eva! :LOL:

    thats ok :)

    no my mum wont allow me a facebook and i dont have a twitter account. :(


    YES! england, scotland, and ireland :yesey:

    I love that bit. especially when he starts to growl at the flag :chuckle:



    i have the same thing! like i dont like it when some random guy does but if like matt does its funny *his voice just..* and then if brandon or david or keith or cillian murphy does then its like cute or sexy :yesey:




    :LOL:! i always wanted a hamster :chuckle: it was doms fault! hes the one who stuffed it down his pants!

    i think ive been reading too much of that latelt, but school is almost starting here so ill have to be focused on that instead :mad:

    :LOL: well i scrubbed with soap and my nails to get it mostly off, it was like one arms veins were a lot darker... :chuckle:





    it wont load right : (


    OMG! how could i forget the sexy accent and glorious cheekbones!!! that is like the definition of cillian murphy :LOL: he is like my mum and i's new thing. hes a hot irish actor we saw in the movie inception and we both like fell in love with the mans face. lol


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