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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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    well u thought rite! david's accent= :awesome:

    oh and horny keith= awesome



    right, ive noticed that. alot of things i think are annoying i find cute on "my guys" as my mum calls them.. :chuckle:

    that video was awesome! brandon looked hot...



    i love those tweets! :LOL: i loved his oxegen outfit. it looked like he had stuffed a hamster down his pants :facepalm:

    well thats probably because like everyday i check to see if millionstar has updated her lj, so like i get so excited when i see an update! :LOL:

    but marked was really good! i was testing out markers today and i tested this navy blue one on my arm... so i started to draw my veins then noticed it was permanent :facepalm:



    well i have a website that givees u megavideo links. it has all of the series. would you want it? :happy:

    well yeah, that scared me when i saw it i was laughing at th other gifs, so my face went from :LOL: to :eek:!


    ok :)

    yeah and there are all things about them that i "look for" ya know! *oh i say that too much* :chuckle:


    well lets see:

    1. awesome hair!

    2. prominent jaw line

    3. collar bones that show up well, ya know they dont hide :chuckle:

    4. neck that is :stongue:

    5. nipples :$(damn u bellz!) :chuckle:

    6. and pretty, deep eyes


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