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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. that is alll to right....


    id love to see fawmew matteh!!!!! that'd be :awesome: hed be sitting in a field with his sheep,cows, and chickens! :LOL:

    oh my mum and i went out today and she got me the killers at RAH but i have to wait till my birthday to be able to watch it!



    the last thing she posted was something sweet :happy: it was sweetness revisted, i loved that one.

    i know! i was like OMG i shouldnt read this..... but ya know... im going to! :LOL:

    yep that interview. now i forget what i was going to say about that. but omg have u seen matteh's hair! its horrendous! it was so fluffy in that interview, but now its all chopped off!!!! NO! :eek:



    well yeah i know wat ya mean, sometimes i dont mind the :erm: looks!

    :LOL: thats great! my dad said "vominoso" or something like that the other day, and im thinking "NO! its Allon-sy!" :chuckle:

    well yeah... my internet has been acting weird lately, its been conected then all the sudden the flux capacitor isnt fluxing! :eek: *lol at my so scientifical terms :nerd:* so i was tryong to watch blackpool one time and the other i was watching keith murray get pelted with chocolate eggs and it stopped fluxing!!! :mad:

    i dont know! why does my mind think of these things! :LOL:.. and on that fact :party: Woho!

    omg thats something i could just see happening!


    i love cute cats, unlike mine :indiff:

    ok well i saved about 100 in just an hour or so.... so :chuckle: and keith has already made it to my desktop.. it usually takes a bit longer for that..


    OMFG! that picture is :awesome:ly cute and embarrassing! dom looks kinda... well lol and Kirkeh!


    EDIT: OMG have u heard crossfire by brandon!!???

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