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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. sorry about such a late reply. i kinda took a break from here and have been watching david stuff and doing all sorts of things :)


    yes Chris couldn't keep it in his pants so i have no gig to go to! :( i mean of course im happy for chris but, darn, but im better now. ;)

    yeah i was texting him and he was like wanna know a secret and of course im like yeah! :LOL:

    but that was his secret he had to tell me, but then i told him she was moving in the first weeks of june *which she is* but that made me feel better. very shallow but the hell with it! :LOL:



    ive been reading some new belldoms but i found this really weird one were matt and dom shagged then they both got back together with their gf's and matt got married i think 0_o




    ive got to approach this carefully.. :ninja:

    sounds like a plan... .... :ninja:

    ive switched to firefox now and im using a david tennant persona :facepalm:

    well ive seen like 4 episodes of Blackpool, it takes a long time to watch these things! :LOL:

    ahhaa like david and matt both just ripping their clothes off.. ahhh :stongue:

    oh that reminds me of my dream last night :eyebrows: exceot i was the one ripping those clothes off :facepalm: my mind shouldnt think of these things! :chuckle:

    :LOL: well he might just come level with dommeh .... maybe

    oh now that is where the TARDIS would come in handy!


    mine were like that too! :LOL:

    have you ever listened to we are scientists?

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