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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. i still avent watched it i need to coz that sounds hot! aha that would just be..... :LOL: i know blu eyes are amazing, but tennant has the most gorgeous, big, brown, adorable, sweet, loving, puppy-dog eyes ever :supersad:


    i remember something about raping him but that would be horrible if he found that! :eek:




    I cant help it! :'( its just so freaking tempting

    and its just calling out saying "touch me, run ur hands through my gorgeous locks!" :LOL:

    i know he speaks Mattanese and it originates from his home planet Mattasia :yesey:

    yeah thats sweet that he does that :happy:




    :LOL: i was on a bus for 18 hours friday night and i was listening to my zune trying to convince my friend that this was not music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljMBnlAzfyY and that the killers and muse are not "old people music" as she says, she doesnt know wat shes talking about :phu:

    i thiink i died again.... :awesome:

    he had to shag like 20 women tho! could i just be all of them! lol

    god i better have good dreams tonight

    speaking of casanova i love his speach he gives to his arch nemesis who stole the woman he loved: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMGDUbaQWeA&feature=related it starts at like 2:50 when he pulls up a chair and my fav. line starts at 4:02. I strongly suggest headphones when listening

    ur going to buy casanova!?

    yeah ill run away a few feet, so he cant see me :ninja: but i can still "appreciate" :LOL:



    here its starts with his 2008 much younger than him girlfriend then goes on to tell about him being a real charmer and all :chuckle:

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