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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. oh i know! i was thinking please don't find zblue bum or interesting pics :eek: oh and dont find shirtless pics of matt or tennant!


    i know :happy:



    i know ruffled hair and messyness is just :stongue:

    I know. its like slow down ... just abit, but i talk fast like him sometimes. Ill just start to ramble on and on and on! :LOL:

    well yah doms suppossed to be the gay one but i always think of matt :chuckle:

    oh god! :LOL:



    :LOL: *starts to hum* :dance:

    i know ud have to mad in the mind :noey: god why is it that all the shows i want to watch of david have him shagging someone! i mean in the first five minutes *literally* he was ripping his clothes off and shagging someone and it was hOt! he was hOt! hes got nice legs! :LOL:

    ahaha just found this: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/06/06/article-0-025A16C90000044D-448_233x423.jpg i love how far open his shirt is.... :stunned:

    omg would be amazing! :awesome:


    thats ok :happy:

    me too im like when will it come!

    ok thsi just made me laugh:


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