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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. I dont think it's getting boring, but I like Hugh Laurie and Dr. House himself so :LOL:

    I know, i need to look up their cds and maybe get some :happy:


    ohhhhh... :chuckle: I get it,

    i dont usually think of the project anymore, just the awesome song.

    except when they talked about mk on bones :awesome: i love that show!



    :ninja: thats cool

    I know, i asked my mom if shes seen it on tv, but i cant find it anywhere! :( i know hes a cool bad guy.... :LOL:

    like matt said "if someone calls me a skinny, pretentious, wanker ill be like ok i am!" :LOL:



    OMG :LOL:

    I know i want a bellamy for my birthday and a tennant for christmas (or maybe some earlier holiday) :chuckle:

    my mom was in the shower so shed never know :shifty: I also put John Barrowman on my mp3 and she laughed at me! :eek:

    is it sad that i just listened to it again and melted, i kept replaying that part.... its just so.. jdsbfaerhlfdb!!

    i know right. come on brain!


    omg i watched the last episode of dr who that david is in, the one where he regenerates into the new guy. i cried, it was ssooo sad! :'( my mom was watching it from the other side of the couch and asking me questions and i couldnt answer because i was so chocked up and couldnt talk. then i started to cry infront of my mom about a tv show :facepalm:

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