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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. :D yes!!! House is actually on!!! Im so happy :awesome:

    :LOL: it can get annoying during certain songs, but its cool

    I love coldplay!!!


    :LOL: brain wash! yeah!




    what? the ava itself, or "matt"... :ninja:

    ReaLLY :awesome: , hes just too much to resist, and i love his scottish accent, Sexxay :eyebrows:... :LOL:

    oh i get called crazy allll the time by my friends! but its all good :yesey:



    i know right! :LOL:

    i know come on scotland and england give us some belldom tennants!


    OMG i know! I love it when he says"Tell me to stop and I'll stop..." its just so damn :stunned:

    OMg are u serious.... hmmmmm :eyebrows:

    i know i want another :'(


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