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About heart03

  • Birthday 10/26/1995

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  1. :awesome: ok im like in love with hot fuss atm! *listening to believe me natalie*


    vewy good! I love their little shenanigans! have you seen doms face on the snuggie box on their twitter :facepalm:

    I know! i was liike this is weird, but im fine with it :eyebrows:

    i know they posted that pic of doms back like 5 of that in a row i was reduced to a puddle :stunned:




    well probably, if my $75 pair of shiny dom converse, my maroon doctor converse, and the posters i want dont cost too much :LOL:

    I know!!! I was like woh :stunned:

    those pants are the best thing to ever grace this Earth besides the man wearing them! :LOL:

    :LOL: the beatles are :awesome: tho, so i cant complain too much



    i think ill have to find the dr who fanfics :shifty: they have their own version of belldoms with john barrowman/captain jack and david ten-inch tennant :ninja:

    I was watching david host the friday night project, not knowing that the show is very graphic. I learned his nickname is david ten-inch and that he stared nude in a play :eek: and there are pics :stunned:

    then he was running around in his underwear, i was like "dont look, dont look, dont look! *looks* :$" I had a hard time keeping my eeys off his arse also! :LOL: he was in my dream last nite also :ninja:


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